The decision has been made. I'm moving to LA. The decision had been up in the air since probably October, mabye late Sept, but in that general time frame. We didnt know which would be best. Pros and Cons to Sacramento vs LA, and each time we tried to weigh them out, it never leaned one way or the other. At the end of it all, we decided that we'd just trust that an answer would be given to us, and that we'd know what needed to be done then. Well about 2 weeks ago, the answer came. She was served with some papers, and a custody battle will ensue over her son. The documents state she will not be able to leave the area, at least for the forseeable future, so it made our decision.
I've already begun the preperations to get my house in order, ready to rent. I've got my roommate moved out, I've thrown a lot of stuff away, and I've got my dad and brother coming next week to get my motorcycle and clean out my garage. I am getting my fence replaced, and have a friend ready to rent my house out through his property management company. I'm going to have a guy he knows come in and do any fix ups, painting and all that to get the house rent ready, and hopefully have it rented out by the end of January at the latest.
So with that being said, its about finding a job down in LA/ Santa Monica area. I have started reaching out to friends who have contacts. I am going to talk to my boss at some point at the beginning of the next year, and I willl see if I can transfer down there.
I know I will be able to get a job. I am looking forward to finding an amazing job, and a job that I can feel like its a home. Somewhere I am wanted, that I enjoy being, that pays great, and that allows me to have a great balance in my life, and one where I wont have to commute much!
A lot of changes on the horizon, but all good things. I have been doing my best to work through a lot of fears, and insecurities. I have been relying on this faith that I have, believing in the power of my words, and my thoughts, and they are working in my favor. I will continue to do that.
Please help me, and support this next phase of my life, with your love, belief, and support.
