2 incredibly twisted, jam packed, eventful weeks

So, to those who dont know I have changed jobs. After months and months of interviewing, and waiting, and waiting, and touching base, and more waiting, and interviewing with another place, and waiting, and checking in, and waiting, I was finally offered a job. The entire process took a little over 4 months. At the end of the day, I went through probably 3 of the most difficult days of my life, where I was stuck between two options, and needed to decide which direction I was going to take my career. On one hand I was being offered the National Sales Manager position at Univision 19. On the other hand I was being offered the Local Sales Manager position with the station I Was currently working for, CW 31. Both stations were in the market. It became obvious to me that my then current employer wanted me to stay, but I couldnt help but question why they had waited until I got offered a job somewhere else before deciding I was their guy. Either way, I knew the benefits of staying with them, adn I knew the product, the staff, everything. The transition wouldnt be as challenging, and I would be able to stay with what I knew. I chose however to go with the job at the Spanish station, where I knew nothing, and knew nobody, but when I woke up the morning that I was to make the decision I felt it in my gut, that intuitive feeling, that it was time for a change, and I was to make the switch.
Since making the decision I was able to relax a bit, but only a bit, because with every new job comes so much anxiety. I took a week off work, and took care of somethings around my house, took naps, got a tattoo (I'll post pics later), went to SF, adn Half Moon Bay. It was a good week off, and I am glad I had it before I started. Last week was my first week at my new job, and all things considered I think I did pretty well. Aside from being constipated (I know, gross right) and having troule sleeping because of the constant thoughts that I wasnt going to do all that well the week went off with out a hitch for hte most part. I am definitely feeling a bit overwhelmed, but I am rolling iwth it.
I have been thrown into the fire in a way, adn almost immediately upon my start, they got me heavily involved in the budgeting process for next year. On top of that I am trying to learn about the station, the programming, the people, the process, get into the software, learn how to pull reports, what to look at, who my sales reps are, what accounts come out of which offices, which accounts are key accounts, who spends what, what other thigns do they do promotionally outside of commercials, and the list goes on and on. It was a lot, but also very engaging, and I am understanding that work can make you tired.
Last week was the first week in a really long time when I came home from my job, and actually felt tired, and worked. My mind was in need of a break, and I needed to just get home and decompress. I feel that I am running at a 90-99% of capacity at the new job, and probably will feel that way for a while. Until I get the whole thign down. IT is all a part of my personality, I want to know everything right now, and I want to know it perfect, nad I want to succeed. So I put the pressure on myself to do that. I am trying to just maintain some balance, and let it come at its own pace.
All thigns considered i think it is going pertty well.
My computer is being worked on again, so when it comes back up I'll post about my event. I'll post about some fun stuff. and I'll post some photos
