4 Minutes

Quickly - in four minutes or less I will try to tell you the goods. I have started working wiht my trainer at the gym. He is kicking my ass, but it is keeping me motivated, adn I hope to get in better shape. I am 9% body fat, which is said to be great, anything under 10 he said. I got my scripts sent to me for my voice over demo, I will be practicing and recording at some point in the next month. I ordered my bike online for hte aids lifecycle ride. I have alerady raised 400 dollars towards my goal. I got a note back from my friend Tess, the english professor adn she gave me some incredible feedback on my poetry. I have had a break through in my personal development when it coems to recongnizing some large character flaw/s challenges or whatever you want to call them. I have started to focus on them. It seems that recognizing them has already allowed me to diminish their power. My job is going well. I got my taxes done and money coming back. I have confirmed my vacation dates to Spain in July. four minutes is up. time to get to work.
That is ACTION BABY!!!


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