my poems

I sat down at my desk last night, and I opened up my word document with all of my poems on it. I still have a handful of poems I need to extract from my blog, to put onto it, and I still need to transcribe quite a few from paper into the document, but over all it is sitting at 57 pages of poems. Looking through it last night, I am thinking that I can probably pull at least half of them, if not 3/4ths of them and use them to put in a book of poetry. I mean, some are specific to a person, and very personal so I dont want to include them. The rest though I think could make a book. People have often told me I should publish them, that I should share them with the world. So that is what I worked on.
I also put together a piece that I am thinking about going and performing tonight at Luna Cafe, it is called "You Feel Me?" I practiced it quite a few times, and feel like I got it down pretty well. I can practice some more, and get an opportunity to get up there and see how it feels to perform it, and see what kind of reception it gets.
I know it is but one small step, but one has to start somewhere, and it is always that first step that is the most difficult.
We'll see where it leads
