another day another dollar...

So here I am again, another day in the office. Each day I get up, and I'm driving into work I start to get a bit uncomfortable. I think, what am I doing this for? My therapist always told me that she likes it when I get super uncomfortable, because she knows that is when I Get off my ass and do something about it. It seems the more I come into this job, and do this work, the more my mind is workin trying to figure out a way to make money, good good money, without having to do this on a regular basis. Somethign that I can do that I will enjoy, and really get pleasure out of, something I can be passionate about, and feel excited to be doing. I think of the things that I want to do, and it is just a matter of setting the time aside to actually do them.
I make good money at my job, and turning away from such a good income is something that is a bit scary. I just know that I can make money doing something else, something that is more fun, more exciting. Its simply a matter of doing it. I gotta start somewhere.
I have been talking about "following my heart" now for YEARS! I went through an old journal entry that I had, and it was repeating the same themes then that I am talking about now. While some things have deifnitely changed, the road remains very much the same.
It is frustrating to think that I am stuck in some rut, and I didnt evne realize it.
Fuck this. Is what I say. I am going to get off this ass of mine, and do something about it.
I am going to write my Panama Story, I am going to get online and figure out how to get my Voice over demo up, so I can begin to audition for work, I am going to finish Soul Mission Life Vision, I am goin to begin takin steps to make PRO40 a reality.
I am starting today.
