this feelig in my chest

I was driving to back from the gym this morning, it was about 615am. I had just finished an intense workout, and I was feeling pretty energized. It seems I've been trying to avoid the thoughts of my girl, so they wouldnt hurt me. We havent seen each other in a few weeks, and I've been missing her really bad. this mornign on the way home, this feelign caught up to me, and I started crying. It was just emotion coming streaming down my cheeks, tears just pouring out. This feeling of pain, or like a pit, centered right in my chest, was felt. I am thinking to myself, I am 34 year old man, what the heck am I doing crying like this. My mind has been racing the last few days, and I've bene feeling more uncomfortable than I ever have without doing something about it. I am trying my best to just have faith, and believe that things are workin gout the way they should, and not try to control the situation, and make it right, or make any rash decisions and fuck anything up whether it be asking her ot move, or quitting my job and movin down there. I just haave to sit wiht this feeling in my chest, face these fears, deal with this distance and suck it up. I wont fuck this thing up on my own, I am not going to let this fear get the best of me. I will just sit and deal with this pit in my chest, and stand poised. I will not run. I will not let my fear get the best of me.
fuck this pain in my chest. I am loved. And I dont need to fear this shit.
