follow your heart

Brett Dennen sings this song, it is called Follow Your Heart. You can listen to it, and for whatever reason it just makes complete sense. It is kind of like that song, Love is My Religion by Ziggy Marley, when I hear them the words just resonate with me. I connect with them.
I listen to that song today, and it helps me to put some things into perspective. It helps me to feel ok about making some decisions. I have some tough decisions in my near future, and on one hand I am excited about the possibilities and on the other I am scared that I will be making unwise moves. One side is unknown, and generates a lot of fear. The other is safe, but has me feeling funky, stagnant, and otherwise unfulfilled.
Here is the situation. I am living in Sacramento. I have a good job, with a good company, that pays pretty well, and a comfortable, simple, safe life. I am not exactly in love with my job though. More often than not I find myself sitting at my desk wondering why I'm stressing, and busting my ass over things that really dont make a difference and I dont care about. Dont get me wrong, I want to do well at my job, and I work hard, and I do my job to the best of my ability most days. It is just that my lack of passion in my day to day duties is really starting to wear on me.
The second part to this equation is that I've met someone, and I have gotten into a relationship, and she lives in LA. We have started to talk about wanting to be closer together, and what that would look like, so I am starting to consider my options and it seems I have two. Stay in Sac, and ask her to move up. Move to LA, find work down there, and be with her down there. I love LA. I have always wanted to live in LA but moving there would mean stepping out of my comfortable safe little bubble of a world and uprooting my life, and makin a move to a place where everything is new, and unknown.
We've decided that we wont make any decisions until after the holidays, but with it being such a big decision I cant help but starting the process of weighing everything out now. The only thing that seems to be certain at this point is that we want to be together, and we are both willing to do what it takes to make that happen.
The reason I bring up the song, follow your heart, is because for the last few months, I have questioned my position in life. Not only my job, but where I live, what I'm doing etc. My heart is telling me to go. I believe it has already left.
Now it is up to me to trust in my faith, and follow my heart.
