how many times

How many times do you need to drive home from work, wondering why you do what you do. How many times do you need to ask yourself, do I love my job? Do I even like my job? Do I hate my job?
you think during the only 2 hours you have to yourself at night, what makes me happy. Does staying at work late every day make me happy? Do my suits, my expensive vacations, my "things" make me happy?
You see the truckers getting into their "office" starting them up, and heading out on to the road. You wonder what their life is like. It seems so simple. You get up, go to work, do your duty, and come home. Set schedule, set pay, no worries. They may not have the extra "things" the nice sheets, the big tv, a new car but I think to myself, they are probably happy. There is something to be said for an honest days work for an honest days wage.
You just wonder how many days it is actually going to take, asking the same questions, and hiding from the answers, and whether anyhting will ever be done about it.
I wonder what others think as they come and go every day. If they envy each other, and wish to be in someone else's shoes.
Everyone always thinking the grass is always greener.
I think the grass is greenest where you water it.
