2010- the year of action

At the beginning of the year I had a feeling that began to ring in my ears. It started about a month before the new year, and reverberated in my head over and over. If you keep doin what you've always done, you keep getting what you've always got. In 2009 I said it was the year of Change. To me, it was about evaluating my life, my priorities, and making lifestyle adjustments to be more in line with what I want, and what makes me happy. On top of that I was forced to make some significant changes inside as well, and prioritize my innards if you will. 2010 came around, and it was deemed the year of action. It was time to take everythin that I had learned through the struggles of 09, and put them into action. The first half of the year has seen some significant progress, and many things have been accomplished. What I am seeing is that by doing the deal every day, and putting together baby steps towards goals, things are happening.
To date, some of the things I've accomplished this year are being a motivational speaker for a high school basketball team, riding my bike 560+ miles from SF to LA, changed jobs...again, worked out consistently getting back to being in shape, began to write my book, recorded my voice over demo reel, read several books, traveled to texas, LA, and Spain.
Through all of this, the first half of the year has shown me a great deal. What I am realizing is that I need to make the second half push, and really take it to the next level. I've still got to write my book, and now that my VO demo is done, it is time to market it, and see if I can begin to score some jobs.
I've also got a list of thigns that I am going to add to the list. I am goin to write out 5-6 performance, spoken word type of pieces and look to perform them somewhere, sometime. I am goin to look into going to see the Dali Lama in person, to attend one of Alan Seale's workshops, and finish Soul Mission Life Vision.
I am also seeing that I have a great deal of action to tkae when it comes to my emotional sobriety. I have amends to make, and I have to continue to take steps.
Everyone has to start somewhere. When you see the pro's, they didnt get to be pro over night. They all started out small, and worked their way up. I am starting, I am takin action to get my VO and writing of the ground. I've got to believe that if I can keep practicing, and keep trying, and keep pursuing, I will achieve.
