
I was talking to a friend of mine last saturday, someone who is studying alternative ways of healing, and I mentioed to her that I have been experiencing a lot of stomach issues fro quite a while. She said that stomach problems are a sign that I am not allowing myself to experience enough joy in my life. That I am blocking myself from truly being happy, being in the moment, and feeling the love and joy of life on a regular basis. I thought that was very interesting. As we continued our conversation, she asked me what the last thing I wrote was, and there wasnt something that came to mind. I thought about it for a while, and I have been experiencing a similar "block" if you will when it comes to my writing as I have when it comes to joy. I didnt tie the two together until she said that, and I was like wow. The more I thought about it, the more I started to realize that my inability to write began around teh same time my stomach problems started to get really bad. So I have decided to take it upon myself ot begin writing agian, in hopes that it will allow me to experience more joy, as I always feel better when I write regularly. I am also going to be more cognizant of myself, and my reactions to the world around me, and try to allow myself the time to experience joy, and be open to the love of life, for life, and with life that I know is possible. I have experienced it.
So let this be the first in a new series blogs that I do on a regular basis.
to joy!
