Motivational Speaking

I kind of fell into the role of Motivational Speaker for my local high school basketball team, and it has been one of the coolest, funnest, most exciting things I've done in a long time. A few weeks ago, my friend/ neighbor Matt asked me to come to his team dinner, and then give his team a pre-game talk before they played for the league championship.

I've known Matt for several years, and have supported him and his participation in high school sports all throughout. I met him right when he was going into his freshman year, and have been able to watch him play footbal and basketball over the years. In the fall, when he was still playing football he approached me and asked me if he could start working out with me in the mornings. Since then we've begun to develop a bond and a friendship. We'd always talk about the upcoming games,and some of his buddies would join us working out, and I'd be getting on them and giving them shit as an older guy is supposed to. All the while though I would be in their ear, giving support, and suggestions, and encouragement.

This year when basketball season started, and I started going to games, the team got to know me from my screaming from the stands to play "DEFENSE" and "GET THE REBOUND", or "SHUT EM DOWN" all the while cheering and screaming as they played. I didnt realize that my voice was so loud in an already loud gym, but Matt always laughed and said they coudl always hear me on the other side of hte gym at their bench.

So when Matt asked me to speak to the team, I wasnt sure if he was joking or not, and he was like "No, I'm serious!" and so I did. We all went out in the backyard, away from the parents, and coaches, adn I got up on the steps so I could look down on them, and I gave them a rousing speech. By the time I was done they were all fired up adn screaming. They went on to win that game that night, and became league champions, and entered into the Section Tournament. Each game sincee, they have had four, I ahve been invited back to give speeches. I've started taking my role seriosuly, and have been preparing speeches ahead of time. The second one didnt go so well, because I felt rushed and I wasnt prepared, so each one after that I thought about the game, the situation, and wrote a speech that was fitting to each game.

The kids keep winning, and they played two games at Arco Arena, the NBA Arena where the Sacramento Kings play. I was able to weasel my way into the locker room, getting past all the security with the skills and gift for gab that I have aquired over my years, and surprise all the kids when I walked in ready to get them ready. They were like "How the fuck did he get in!!" But they were pumped at hte same time. Not only did I get to give one, but two speeches in the locker room of Arco Arena, and the kids have won the section championship!!! They won the title game by 1 point and it was a thriller!!!!

They have their next game scheduled for Thursday night, and are now playing for a shot at the State Title. They have to win 3 more games, before getting to play in the State Championship. It will be a tough tough road, but these kids have the ability to make it there and win!!

It has been so exciting to be a part of this, and feel that I am making a difference. Motivational Speaking, or public speaking has always been something I have thought about doing, and now that I'm doing it I absolutely LOVE IT!

I'll let you know how the game goes on Thursday! It is at home (Woodcreek High School) and we will be ready to go!

