Voice Over and Story Writing

I've said that 2010 is the year of action. this is my theme for my actions, activities, and goals. I want to begin to put into action teh things I have always talked about doing, and actually start to do them.
On Christmas eve, sitting in the airport, SFO waiting to fly to Miami on my way to Buenos Aires, I met a woman named Tess. Her real name is Teresa, but she goes by Tess. She and I got to chatting, and it turns out that she was an English Professor, and was an aspiring author as well. As our conversation continued I told her that I was a poet, although I'd never been published and one of the things I had always wanted to do, but never actually did it, was to write a book. Every time I would start to write one, I would start, but never finish. I would get all these thoughts in my head about how it needed to be "perfect" and whether or not it would be any good. Basically I woudl allow insecurity and fear detract me from actually setting out and doing it. NO MORE I told myself. I was going to write a book in 2010, and not give a shit if it is good, perfect, or whatever. Just do it for the mere experience of being able to start and finish a story, and gain that knowledge and experience so I will know I can do it, adn get better at it. I shared this thought wiht Tess, and she said that was an excellent way to look at it, as she had been experiencing the same type of fears causing the same result. She said she would read my work, and give me tips, and I offered the same to her, and said we could keep each other accountable, and motivated to continue our writing, even when we were feelign like giving up. She thought it was a great idea. We exchanged inforamtion, and went on our ways. I recently went through my wallet and found her card, and thought should I write her? Would she remember me? Would that be dumb? Fuck it, I'm writing her, and if she doesnt remember me, oh well. To my surprise, she did remember me, and said that she had actually been doing a lot of writing and attributed that to our conversation! That was a great feeling for me, to think that I had that kind of positive impact in such a short exchange. She also said that she is open to reading my poetry, and my writing, and to start off by sending over 10 poems, adn she will give me some honest feedback and an assesment on the quality of my work. I am excited to see what she comes back with, adn I am also anxious now to carve out some time and begin sharing a story with all of you.

The second part, the voice overs, was something that I have been focusing on here in 2010. I have been to two workshops now where I was able to be in a sound booth and read scripts, and practice and get critique, and get better. I recently went in adn did a private lesson, and did a number of readings where it finally started to "click" for me. When I was given direction, I started to instinctively know what I was being asked to do, and my voice started to respond in a way that it never had before. I was able to start to convey emotion, and power with my voice, as well as calm, soothing tones, and warm pleasant reads. My improvement from one work shop to the next was quite impressive, and then while i was doing the private lesson it just kept getting better. My voice began to fluctuate, I began to loosen my vocal chords, and the depth and resonance of my voice became even more powerful that it usually is. My instructor was quite surprised, pleasantly, and said that i had the potential to do work in a market like sacramento immediately, and am very close to being ready for large markets, union type jobs, in the likes of LA, SF, and New York, and that is when you start making the big bucks. So with all that being said, I will be producing my demo reel within the next month. My instructor is writing some personalized scripts to help me take advantage of my "money voice" or the voices and types of commercials that I would be best at. I will then practice them for a while, and when I am ready, go in adn record. He wil add sound effects, and edit it all together, and make me a demo reel ready to be distributed and begin my career into the world of voice over acting. I am excited to be taking these steps.

Both of these ventures are things that I have wanted to do for my entire life, but for one reason or another have takled myself out of the pursuit. I am not putting any more obstacles in my way and more so, if I see any in my way I will not let them stop me. These two ventures are where I am being led, and it will be with these that I will be allowed to let my creative expression out, and share myself with the world. Through words. Words that I write, that will evoke emotion, and help people to feel, and believe that life is good, and love is possible, and they can be happy and have hope. Words that I speak that will be pleasant to the ear, that will motivate, soothe, entice, or simply connect with those that listen.

2010 - action.

One Love
Michael T.
