Aids Lifecycle Ride- Training day 1

I finally got my bike in the mail, ordered from EBAY. It was my first ever Ebay purchase, and it was a great experience. I digress. So, my neighbor Matt is on teh cycling team in his high school, he helped me pick the bike out. When he was on his way home, he saw it had been delivered, picked it up, brought it home, and put it together. He got it all shined up, put the pedals on, got it tuned and ready to go.
He and I went out on our first ride together, my first ride in over a year. It was also my first day of "traning" as I prepare for the Lifecycle ride in June. I'd never ridden in the pedals that you clip into before, and Matt warned me that every body falls there first time. Well, I thought I was hot shit when I got on, clipped in and we'd ridden three miles and I hadnt fallen yet. Well, my luck didnt last that long, because as we were coming to a stop at a very busy intersection, with cars all over, I couldnt clip out, and fell, still attached to the bike on my side right in the middle of hte turn lane. It hurt a littel bit, but it was kind of scary to think that a car could haev been coming, and run me over. I hurriedly jumped back up, on to my bike, and told matt to shut up, since he was laughing his ass off. hahaha. I couldnt help but laughing either.
Well, we did a decent ride. It was 27 miles nad had some pretty decent hills that we had to climb. I held up alright, but towards the end I was just exhausted. I ahd to stop and get a cliff bar, because my blood sugar was dropping way to low, and I was feeling weak. Then for the last 7 miles or so, my legs jsut didnt have much push in them.
The good news is I made it through, and my legs arent that sore as a result. We're going out again this weekend. I hope to be in much better shape this time around.

action baby!


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