time for something new

So. . . when I went to argentina, I had this saying that kept gonig through my head. It is an old saying, if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. I have been praying for guidance and direction, and with this thought coming into my head repeatedly, I started to take notice that I should begni looking at my life, and my actions and trying to do things a bit differently so I can begin to manifest the things I want to have in my life.

I also was doing a lot of work in my book, Soul Mission Life Vision and it had me do some writing on what I want in my life, what was important, how I envion my life, what types of things I can offer the world. I must have spent 4 or more hours reading, and writing, and thinking about these types of things. What I came up with was a bit surprising. What I realized that at a very basic level, what I want in my life is quite simple.

What I want is to love and be loved. I want to find an incredibly amaazing woman and spend my life wiht her, adn I want us to have a family, and have fun, and do the best we can, together, for each other, and be a loving, welcoming, fun family. I want to be able to do good things for others, to help, to lead, guide, or simply be there for them. I want to spend time with my family. I want to travel. I want to experience life, nad continue to grow, and learn to find and create peace in my life. to be at peace. It is all based on love. Those were the thigns that ranked highest on my list.

After that, I looked at wanting to do other things. Thigns that have to do with my career, my interests, pursuits, etc. They are all important, otherwise I wouldnt have written them, but love and family are important.

So, havnig done all this thinking and writing, and then having this saying in my head i have really started to feel and think differently. I have tried to give myself a litle space before making decisions. Tried to be guided a bit more, adn not try to do everything "my" way which is pretty much teh way I've always done it, and well the way I've always done it has not gotten me waht I hope to have in my life so I am gonna have to switch it up.

I told my friend Laura, whom I got to visit with at her home in CT on my way back from Argentina. I will fall in love in 2010. I will do many things in 2010, as I've written about in earlier posts. They are going to happen by me putting my actions in line with these new revelations, and begin doing things a bit different.

It is time for something new. 2010. The year of Action!
