Farewell 2009 - a year to be remembered

2009 was a challenging year. To some, I think this would be an understatement. For me, I started off 2009 with a ton of uncertainty and I was a mess emotionally and spiritually. What 2009 amounted to for me was a year of healing, or reevaluation on what is important, restructuring my lifestlye in accordance with this new priority list, adjusting my finances,and budgeting, and working harder to be an active part of my growth, and development. 2009 was a year of change.

I started off 2009 hurt, torn, and broken emotionally. I was reeling from the loss of a girlfriend, and from the struggles and eventual loss of a foster son. On top of that the economy had taken its toll on my income and was putting me in a scary situation that I didnt know how I would get through. 2009 was the year I put my faith to the test. I was rewarded.

In January of 09, I chose life. I chose to do things that my heart told me to do, that I sought in life, and I said I was willing to risk everything to do it. I was broke. I didnt know how I would pay my next months bills. I didnt know how much worse my income would get. I didnt know if I would lose my "things" like my car, or my house, etc. In spite of these things I chose to embark on an adventure that has changed me, and my life forever. I decided I would go to Panama, and ride a bike across that country, and help my friend to achieve his goal of raising money to build a school for children in Guatemala. Trying to describe all of the things that this trip brought me would take an entire book. But if there is one thing, one moment on this trip, that I feel is important to share it was "The Scallop Shell" moment. That moment defined 2009. It was a moment where I truly felt God was with me, that he listened, adn that he would lead me through 2009.

From that ponit forward I leaned heavily on faith. Faith that I would heal. That I would get out of the financial mess. That I would grow. Learn. Be whole again. Faith that I would find happiness. find a new job. Faith that I would be better through it all, and have a better outlook on life. Each and everything happened for me in 2009. It was a tough year, a slow, and steady climb out of the low point it started at. I wouldnt trade it for the world.

The year had so many highlights. So many firsts. Here are a few.
I rode a bike across Panama
I helped raise 15,000 dollars to build a school in Guatemala
I got a new job
I put on 1 and helped put on another fundraising events.
I went to Crescent City
I got to be the referee of my 5 year old nieces soccer game
I went to Argentina
I learned to budget better
I developed a strong faith in the God of my understanding
I got to hang at the lake with Cynthia and do Soul Mission excercises
I could go on and on and on. The point is. 2009 sucked in a lot of ways. But it had so many silver linings. I've learned that it is simply how we look at things that gives us our perceptions.

2010 is here. It will be the best year of my life.. . . so far :-)
