World Aids Day

It was World Aids Day the other day, and I started this post but could not finish it. Last January, I rode a bike for 300 plus miles for adventure, and to be part of something greater than myself. I did it to help raise money to build a school in Guatemala. In doing that, I realized that there is gerat joy, and sense of accomplishment, and self-less-ness in helping others. Not to mention the fun that comes from riding, and adventuring around, and experiening that. After this trip, my friend challenged me to ride in the Aids Lifecycle Ride, and I accepted. I have yet to start training, but I do need t oget on the fundraising effort. I am to raise 3,000 dollars in order to make this happen. MY friend Jason recently spoke at a rally in SF, and was featured on a newscast, as a person who is infected with the virus, adn has AIDS and is being effected by the budget cuts to programs that help people like him. I am donig this ride to support him, and others like him, and for the fun adn adventure of it. I will be posting my link so everyone can donate to help supoprt us in our efforts. I am also soliciting for ideas on fundraisers that I can do to help raise the money.
Any suggestions welcome! Thanks
Here's to raising some more money, for a great cause, from the seat of a bike. One world. One People. One Love
