Ready?.. . . . . . . AAAAAAND ACTION!!!!!

This time of year, I always start getting a bit restless, adn wondering if I am pursuing my dreams, what are my dreams, what do I want to be donig, things like that. I tend to use this time of year to set some goals for myself for the upcoming year, and have them align with some sort of larger picture. The problem is, the larger picture is never really in focus, and i dont have a set direction and I never seem to be able to stick to anyhting to fully achieve it. I have told myself before, that I have never truly put all of myself into anyhitng before. That was true up until this year. I think the bike ride in panama was about the only thing I have ever done that was 100%. I helped wiht the other fundraisers, but it wasnt with the same type of committment and vigor, although it was a lot. I tend to get distracted by many things, get off track, and lose sight, steam, interest, or things like that. Sometimes its girls, sex, relationships. Other times its work, events, fun activities I dont want to pass on. Other times it is money, poor planning, or getting to many things on my plate and not being able to do it all. The list of things goes on adn on, and what I am starting to realize is that they are all excuses. What I am doing is setting tentative goals, with that attitude of "eh, I'll work for it, but if I get it great, if not, whatever" Well I am realizing at the ripe age of 33 that time is passing by very quickly. That I need to try to foucs in on a couple of things tht I want to accomplish, use them as building blocks for other thigns, and go from there with a committment to accomplish, succeed, and build on a solid foundation. All of this will take planning, prioritizing, and really getting to the bottom of what it is I want to be doing. I have always told myelf I wanted to write something, a book, screenplay, stories, whatever, so I gotta actually sit down adn do it. Whether it turns out a pulitzer prize winner, or a pos (piece of shit) is really not the ponit. I need to focus on actually putting together a story, start to finish and gain the lessons that come frm that and keep working. I have always thought about getting into voice overs since I've been told I ahve a great voice countless times. So I will need to do that. Start somewhere, wherever I am, adn build on it knownig I am not going to be getting national contracts to start, but it is a talent, and a craft that takes practice, and time to master like playing an instrument, or learning a game. Experience will give yuo the insight on how to grow.
So what I am doing now is honing in on a few things that I will focus on in 2010, and 2010 is the year of ACTION. I always talked about 2009 as the year of Change. 2010 is the year of ACTION! If you want to get it done, you ahve to make a concsious decision, and follow it up with dilligent, and rigorous action.
stay tuned for my list of "to do's" for 2010. The year of Action.
