My Secret is strong

The last few days I have been coming up with this grand scheme, to buy the house across the street from mine, and rent it out. I need to come up with 40,000 dollars befoer I can make that happen, but for some reason that doesnt even seem to be a daunting obstacle, or an obstacle at all. I am not exactly sure how I would make it happen, but I know that I can. Borrow a little here, save a little there, some how some way I believe I would figure it out and make it happen. Something I have realized over the last few months is that I tend to bring into my life the thigns that I want, or need, or focus my attention on. Sometimes this is to my own detriment, and in the past it was much more likely that things I was attracting to my life were struggles rather than building blocks.

So I feel like it is time for me to enter fully into a new stage of life, and begin aligning my goals, with my intentions, with my thoughts. I need to begin to attract to myself what it is that I want. Rather than continue to carry the same mindset that has gotten me where I am today, but varied version of that. One with higher aspirations, stretching me beyond comfort, and into the realm of difference making on a larger level.

This past year has taught me a lot about what is really important. I dont need to spend a lot of money, or be a "rock star" in order to feel good about myself or my life. I dont need fancy, or shiny things to feel that I am worthy of or of a certain "status" All of that shit is a fascade anyway, an illusion, it isnt real and does nothign to help how you feel inside or as a person. What I have learned is that if I stay humble, and remember that I am not as big as I think I am, and I am never as small or weak as I fear I may be, and trust that I am wehre I need to be, and will get what I need, things work themselves out.

In realizing all of this, I have come to the point where I will set my goals, and I will steer myself onto that path that will point me in that direction and have faith. I will use my secret, which I ahve recognized is very strong, in bringing into my life what I need, to move forward, and continue to grow.


