Sleep Walker

I went to sleep on Thanksgiving night in my own bed. I was extremely tired, and crawled into bed, after adding an extra blanket and found myself extremely cozy and comfortable. It didnt take me long at all to fall asleep. That night I was haunted by some dreams that caused me to wake up. When I did, I opened my eyes, and saw somethign that didnt look familiar. "What the fuck?" was the first thing that came to my mind, and then I realized that what I was looking at was the painting in my spare bedroom, to which my mind then thought "What the fuck? Am I in the spare bedroom? what the fuck?" I thought as I sat up, completely confused. I moved slowly, began feeling around the blankets, and trying to determine what I was seeing was true or if I was dreaming. I sat up and looked around, and sure enough I was sleeping in the spare bedroom. It was about 5am or so, and I had been sleeping on my back, all tucked away under the covers,and in the middle of hte bed. Some how, some way I got up during the night, went into the spare bed, climbed in under the covers,and continued my night sleep. What I did between my bed adn the spare bedroom, I have no idea. I got out of that bed, went back into my room, and fell back asleep. I was completely confused, and a bit scared. How the fuck did I get from one room to the other, why did I do it, and how come I cant remember it happening. I woke up finally later that morning, and the htoughts of what I had expreienced messed with me all day. What if I fell? what if I ahd a roommate adn went into their room? Had I done this before ? Do I do this often? It is a bit scary when you think about it. I was up, doign something, adn have no clue as to what I Was donig.
I hope it was just caused by being so tired. I hope it doesnt happen again.
