on the run

I've thought of many things that have made me laugh recently, and thought to myself, I should write these down and incorporate them into a movie somehow.

I was Safeway on Wednesday night, and I was buying dogfood, and trash bags, and milk. Being the kid at hear that I am, I put my last item in my cart, and as I'm headed down the frozen food section toward the check out I get a runnign start, jump on the back of the cart and sail down the aisle, eventually stopping just before running over a display, and in doing so startling another customer who was getting ready to wakl past that aisle. Fun stuff. So then I check out, and I am leaving the store, and I think, lets do it again. And as cars approach I race to beat them, and cross the parking lot, and jump on teh back of the cart. This time I hit a speed bump that I didnt see just as I'm setting my feet, and come THIS CLOSE to losing my footing off the cart, and eating shit, right in front of the car that I was racing in front of. The whole scenario played out in my head and I couldnt help but laugh at myslef, and my close call of embarassment. I am sure the people in the car were laughin harder than I was, and the look on my face had to be priceless.
