Farewell Fogle - aka McLovin

In November 2007 I bought (leased) a BMW. It was basically a 24 month rental, adn I would make payments on teh car for 2 years then turn it in. It was an exciting time for me then. Money was good. The payments were not a problem, adn I had never had a nice car or anything like that. I went from havnig an 8 year old Honda Accord with 185,000 miles on it to a brand new luxury sedan. Life was good, and I was excited to be able to treat myself to something so nice. Over the last two years though, it seems the car was more of a burden than it was a luxury. I wasnt able to drive it all the time because of hte lease mileage restrictions. The payment because exhorbirant (high) because my income dropped significantly during the course of hte lease, and the car never really did much for me as far as making me happy, or feel "cooler" or "better" in any way as a result of driving it. Now, dont get me wrong, I LOVED driving that car. It was nice, and comfortable and had so many bells and whistles it was great. It just didnt seem worth it to me to have to cut out so many other things in my life that I woud have rather been doing like going out, going places, eating out, adn having fun. Instead I got to drive a nice car half the week, and pay a lot of money for that. All in all what I learned was that it wasnt worth it. Was it nice yes, would it have been great to have such things for a shorty period, absolutley, but the way things went down, it really made me think about where I need to invest my money, and what things are realyl important to me.
I turned in my car last night. I had named it Fogle aka McLovin after the character on the movie Super Bad. I never got attached to the car, adn didnt think I would be sad when I dropped it off. I did feel a twinge of remorse though as I saw it sitting there in the parking lot. Thinking that I it was no longer mine. I reminded myself though, that it never really was mine anyway, and that it was nice while it lasted, but I am happier that I will not carry that burden anymore. Farewell Fogle, we had agood run.
Now I get to go back to enjoying my Honda (named Astro) and having a little extra money in my pocket to enjoy life.


  1. Sorry for your loss of Fogle but glad to see you back in Astro.
    Me, I'm happy with my '03-POS (Peace Of Shit)Ford Fuckus (Focus)... I called used to call it 'Home' but now call it POS-Dent =:-)


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