Credit Card Bitches!

I got a notice in the mail the other day from my credit card company. Tehy said, hello, we appreciate your business and years as a member. Now we're going to up your interest rate to 29.99%. WHAT THE FUCK! Seriosuly, 30%? What the fuck. Come on. If I was not ok wiht that, I could call them adn discontinue my card, continue to use my same interest rate until my card expired. Then I just would no longer have the card anymore. I called this morning, and they tried to talk me out of it, and I was like, no thanks. Having a 30% interest rates seems a little ridiculous. At a time when everyone is struggling, and people are in bad enough debt as it is the credit cadr companies are shooting there rates up. IT doesnt seem fair. I am in an ok position, I have no balance on the card, but I sure as fuck dont want to have a 30% rate on anyhting I choose to use it on. You'd think, and I am no financial guru by any stretch, but you'd think that if they wanted to really make money, they woudl lower interest rates, and thereby encourage people to use their cards MORE. A 30% rate would be more discouraging than anyhting else. The whole reason they are doing the rate hikes is because people are watching their spending, adn not using there cards as much. Well I would think that if they did promotions where they lowered rates, and encouraged spending again, that would help out more than raising rates up so high. So fuck you citi card. My card is set to expire in 10 months, and I wil no longer be using your service.


  1. Didn't we (all tax payers)bail them out once all ready and now they want MORE money with an outrages interest?
    Now I know why I don't own a credit card...


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