an anxious pit in my stomach

You know that feeling you get when you get some news that crushes you, and your stomach just drops, and you feel like you've been kicked in your stomach? Perhaps it came when someone broke up with you, or when you heard some horrible news about a friend. Perhaps you ran into someone you absolutely did not want to see, or got scared about something that you did, or were about to do? You know the feeling. You get this feeling in your stomach. Your heart starts to race and maybe your legs give out a little bit? I've had this feeling in my stomach for the last two days, and I cant seem to shake it. It is making me on edge, overly emotional, and anxious about what it is that I am so nervous/ scared about. What is this impending thing that is making me feel this way. I am wondering if it is all in my head, or if my intuition is speaking to me of something coming into my life. I get the feeling from time to time, and more often than not, my intuition is right on. Some people who know me and have for a while have heard me speak of such things, and discount them, only to realize after events transpire, that I was actually very accurate in my feelings, and begin to pay attention and believe me when I speak of such things. This is one of those times. Something is looming, just on the edge of perception and my reality, on its way, waiting for the time to bring itself into my life that is going to shake my ground a little bit. At least that is the feeling that I am getting in my stomach. At this point, I'm just trying to let it pass, and trust that whatever it is that is coming is meant to happen, and I will know how to handle or deal with it at that time. I felt that at least acknowledging this feeling will allow myself to better deal with it. I have changed my routine recently and began working out, and taking a workout supplement, so perhaps tht has something to do with this shift in my physiology.
So how do I feel: my heart has been beating hard. I feel on the brink of emotional tears. I am anxious. my stomach ties and unties itself into knots. It is like I am having these little mini panic attacks or something. I get this pain right in the middle of my chest that hurts my heart, like I have an aching heart.
Part of me feels that this is the result of energy, life energy, that was given to me, is now shifting, or leaving, comnig back, or changing or something. My body is feeling the physical response to this internal, spiritual energy shift. Sounds kind of out there right, but its kind of what I think is going on. I am curious to see exactly what it is that is causing it. As the book I read stated, I will wait. And when waiting is filled, the answer will be revealed.
to be continued.


  1. Man, I KNOW those feelings and it NEVER feels good. What/Who will hurt/break/stop working in my life?
    I know you might have heard this before but ... prey, go to a meeting, go to a different meeting, workout, run, help someone out, talk with someone, write about it (blog) and tell someone that you care. These are some of the things that I do....
    Dude .... I'm sorry you feel like this but I'm glad that you're writing about it and hope that this helps!!


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