some things resonate

I heard this phrase some time ago, and it rang true to me then. The phrase was "A boy does what he wants to do, but a man does what he needs to do"
when I heard that, I related to it on many levels. I mean it can be appied to almost any circumstnace. When it comes to responsibility, or play, or money, or relationships, or work. I mean it all comes down to taking care of business. Sometimes we have things that we dont want to do, but we just have to suck it up and do them.
Another saying that is similar, that I heard from my dad, is along the same lines. My step mom has been working her ass of to take care of her mom (my grandma) since she has gotten old and not able to take care of herself. She gets up before work, goes and gets her up out of bed, feeds her, gets her dressed, etc. Then she goes to work, comes back at lunch, and then after work, and cares for her. It is exhausting for her, and at times frustrating, and simply wears her out. She does it though, wihtout question, with no real complaint, and a limited amount of complaining. I asked my dad why they didnt hire someone to do that stuff. His response, "Its family. Thats just what you do for family" Plain and simple, thats just what you do. No questions asked. No bitterness. No need for explanation. Just do it.
In hearing that, it becamse clear to me that that is the phrase that my dad has pretty much lived his entire life on. Its family, and that is what you do for family. Between that, and doing what you need to do before doing what you want to do I have found two phrases on which I have found myslef trying to live my life. I may not have a family of my own, but I do what I can for my brothers, sisters, parents etc. I will hopefully carry the same message through my actions when I have one of my own. I never realized it, but that message is definitely a strong, and visibible if not spoken component of my family bond.
