R.I. P

I just got news yesterday that a friend of mine died. I didnt get any details until today when I found out that he committed suicide. Apparently he had been battling depression for a long time, and I've often suspected that he had a pretty heavy drinking problem. I havent spoken to my friend in years, but I heard about him here and there through mutual friends who I did still keep in touch with. Either way the news was quite jarring. He took 100 blood pressure pills and swallowed them down with a bottle of Jack Daniels. If he was anyhitng like he used ot be, this was no small bottle of jack either. IT was one of those Big ones. Apparently they found him, pumped his stomach, and it looked like he was going to pull out of it. Then his heart just stopped beating. His will to live must have really been gone. The story gets worse. He was getting ready to be a dad, and have his first child in 3 weeks.
The whole thing when I heard about it gave me chills. I will pray for him, his future child, his child's mom, and his family and friends. It is yet another reminder that life is prescious, and our time is limited, and things can change in a second. I know that I've personally battled some depression, and have had some pretty dark and scary thoughts. I still cant imagine how much pain he must have been in and I only pray and hope that he is at peace now, and he doesnt have to suffer any more. I never condone suicide. I have always felt it was chicken shit, or cowardly. With that being said though, whats done is done, and he must have been in so much pain, that all I can do for him now is pray that he is at peace, and feels none of that grief or pain any longer.
One Love !
