New job to do list

I guess with the new job comes alot more responsibilities. I was hired by one guy, but they were in the process of hiring another person that wil over see both San Francisco, and Sacramento stations. That person has been hired, and she came in today to meet with us, and I had my first one on one with her. She rocks. I can tell I am going to like her already, and if I drank, I think she would be a lot of fun to have some beers with. That being said, she also knows her shit inside and out and is all about business. when we sat down today she immediately started breaking it down for me on what I need to be doing, where I need to be focusing my energy, and telling me what she expects as well as ways to be successful adn gain recognition. Today was a big day, because outside of that meeting I was also a part of another conference call and have taken on another huge responsibility which is bringing an entire soccer tournament that could generate 100s of thousands of dollars to our station(s).
So my to do list as it stands right now.
-Contact my reps about upcoing FLM (Futbol Ligo Mexicana) soccer matches still available, sell them spot package
-Contact rep in Miami about CHASE bank. why didnt we get bought, can we change it, what can we do in the future etc.
-Contact local rep for METRO PCS
-send out merchandising letters to all clients that aired in the novela finale on monday
-Contact Baskin Robbins rep to see if they want to come on-air to provide goodies for the halloween show
-Contact local Anheiser Busch distributor, and KFC guy
-Call all Spot Regional Managers, introduce myself
-call all reps for top 20 accounts in 4Q - introduce myself, find out whats going on, what cna I do to help.
-Start preparing for the political season of 2010. Make contacts, start the selling now.

On top of these regular tasks the 2 big projects I have shouldered as of today are to bring Copa Univision to Sacramento. This is a huge soccer tournament that we would sponsor and promote for youth and adults alike. we do it in other markets, and I ahve taken it upon myslef to bring one ot Sacramento.

The second is to really get into the political advertising. This is a huge push for Univision as awhole, and being in the State capitol a lot falls on my shoulders when it comes to making the sale of why these people need to be targeting the hispanic market. These are not dollars that are easy to come by, but will be a huge push for us to get, and also garner a lot of positive attention if they are gotten. I've been told that in order to sell the political advertisers on stuff, you've got to be able to talk the politics, and know it. So I am now going to start educating myself on candidates, and props to make sure I can talk the talk.

Big things happening.
