the fresh rain

It was a beautiful morning. The clouds were parting in the east and the sun came shining over them, lighting them up from behind, and the rays pournig out. I looked up and saw that adn I thought to myself, I lvoe my life.

I was thinking the other day about my life. I was thinknig, what do I like about it. I haev all these grand plans for success, and financial freedom, and all that. Yeah yeah, those are all nice, fine and good. I think about my job, and I have a pretty kick ass job too. All that is great, but what really makes me happy. What are the things in my life that I truly cherish. I have found the ability to appreciate, adn truly enjoy the simple things in life. I used to have a very chaotic, crazy, event filled life. It was great, but I didnt have peace inside. I was always to busy either in my mind, or in my actions to enjoy the simple thigns in life. I see now that things I emjoy are simple, adn small things. They are the things I really enjoy. Of course I like to indulge in grander, fancier things, but they arent the thigns that really fill me up you know. Coffee in the morning. Walking outside and seeing the sky like the way it was this morning. Seeing my dog happy and excited. Sharing a hug, a kiss. A good conversation. A great meal. Spending time wiht friends, and having conversations. We've all got to work at some level, even not working takes a certain level of work. The time in between that work though, that we spend with ourselves, and with each other, makes life what it is. Rob Thomas sings a song about it, called Little Wonders.

