lots of feelings, but no words

I have started and stopped typing this blog at least 6 times already ,and I am not sure what it is exactly that I want to write. I have so many thoughts running through my head, and so many more emotions running through my heart that I dont know what I can write, what I should or shouldnt write, and how to piece them together into sentences that would be able to convey them.
I am listening to the Counting Crows live at Heineken Hall album on rhapsody.com and i love it. I am chatting wiht my friend Cynthia online about her relationship(s)and thinking about the past. Reflecting on what my life has been like over hte last few years. I am still trying to wrap my arms around all of the unexpected turn of events that have come up over the last few days. It seems that my life is caught up in this incredibly emotionally charged whirlwind of change. I am not all that nervous about it, I am actually quite excited and feel ready for it. I am celebrating a milestone in my life, the possibility of a new and exciting position in my career is within my reach, enjoying the unexpected turn of events the way only a person who is feeling whole and complete can.
I can sit with myself now, and be at peace. I can feel settled, and ok. I have seen my life come together over the lsat year, and bring me to this point, over some steep emotional peaks, through some dark valleys, with many of challenges and countless lessons. It seems to be culminating into a new beginning, and next phase, I am not sure how to grasp it. It is like I was talking about before, from the book I read. Waiting for fullness. Well, fullness it seems is almost reached, and waiting will be no longer when it comes to these things. Patience, and faith. I will put one foot in front of the other, and trust that I am being guided in the right direction through the signs in my life that are put before me. I odnt know that I have been so comfortable and excited about such an unexpected turn of events before. This is going to be fun!

