I love the smell of fresh rain

I was so pleasantly surprised when I woke up this morning. When I got up to walk outside, and noticed the distinct smell of fresh rain, I knew it was going to be an amazing day. I absolutely love the smell after it has just rained, everything is so fresh, and you can still hear the grass and the trees cracking and whispering through the dampness, relieving themselves of the new moisture. I put on a hoodie, some jeans, and took Shadow out to the trail so we could both enjoy a walk in the damp adn cool weather. It seems that fall has arrived, or at least came for a brief visit this weekend, and it seems a bit early. I am not complaining though, I love the fall, it is my favorite season. I love the crisp air. I love the wind, and the need for beanies, and hoodies, and gloves. I love when I first notice I can see my breath, and the leaves falling all over the place. This morning only got better as I drove into work, and the sun came out. All the dust and dirt had been washed off of everything, and the sunlight sparked on everything it touched, the air was fresh, and clean, and the world around me was transformed into something spectacular. I loved it.
