Happy Birthday Shadow

Today is a sad day for many, as it marks the anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. But 8 years ago today, was also the day my dog Shadow was born. I love my dog. I have had her since she was 8 weeks old, and wasnt even bigger than my forearm. She has been there for me through some dark and desperate times, as well as some of the best in my life. I wonder sometimes what she things. I'd like to know if she enjoys her life, or feels if she has had a good one. I know that my life has been exponentially better because she has bene a part of it. So with that, Shadow Happy Birthday. I'll make sure you get out this weekend, and I'll take you swimming cause I know you love that. We'll go into San Francsico where you had your first home, and I'll take you to the ocean and let you ride the waves.
