Dallas - Labor Day Weekend

Where do I begin when it comes to my trip to Dallas. The trip started out with me flying out to see Mason and the other friends I have in Dallas (Germal, Nick, and Michelle) on Saturday. I was almost done with my book, Stranger in a Strange Land, and I was actaully able to finish it on my flight out to the Big D. The book was amazing. It talked a lot about some of the flaws in our society, and about people going against the norm, and getting persecuted for it, not because what they were doing was wrong, because it was actually quite right, but it was because it scared other people, threatened there own personal beliefs, and shook the foundation of what they deemed to be acceptable, and challenged there "power" be it in church, government, or business. The whole book is about a man coming back from Mars where he was born and raised, and learning the ways of the people on Earth. He does so with a great deal of speed, and before long, he starts to understand them. He is capable of many things we are not (it is a sci-fi book) like telekinesis, and holding his breath underwater for long periods of time, making things disappear for good, etc. Well after a while, and lots of learning, he begins to teach people what he called the truth. A way to live, to love, to come together where you didnt need money per se, you gave of yourself, and other to you, you shared everything, there was no need to hurry, to argue, for property, prestige, or anyhting like that. The seemingly outlandish ways that he set up his new community, that was deemed a church only because that was how it had to be viewed in the eyes of the gov't would be considered much more of a cult in todays time. The whole story got me thinking about how we view things. Things we may not know about, prejudices, making judgements about something, condemning someone or something without really fully understanding it, or simply because it is different that what you believe. It was an incredible book, with so many great great pieces of dialogue, and topics for conversation. My friend Angela had given it to my for my birthday, and when I told her I finished it she was excited and said she was looking forward to talking wiht me about my thoughts on it. So I enter into Dallas full of this great energy, and beleif in an ideal system of life, love, and Truth if you will.
I flew on Southwest, and true to the southwest way, I flew to san diego, then to austin, then to Dallas. On teh way to San Diego, we had a group of guys going to Mexico for a bachelor party, and they were fucking hilarious. I wore my ipod almost the entire time, but even through my music I heard various comments, and they were loud, offensive, hilarious, and full of energy. When we were landing, they all started singing,and hte captain came on and wished someone in their group happy birhtday, and then to my surprise, they responded, and he responded, and back and forth 3-4 times, and I was like WHAT? the captain of SWest flight is able to hear them for 1. and 2. He is calling em out. It was AWESOME! The captain ended the fun (to me anyway, annoying to most others) back and forht by stating over the intercom, settle down now son, thats enough. Which if you had heard the commentary, was perfect, cause he was basically telling this kid that he is his bitch. I walked off a bit ahead of this group, and I heard them get off the plane, and one guy who had taken three steps out of the plane tunnel was like "oh wow, I really like san diego so far" or something to that effect. Then they were all in the mens room, and the shit that was coming out of these guys mouths, oh my god, i couldnt help but laugh because I knew with certainty, that I was exactly like that with my friends, if not worse at more than one point in my life. So, I thought it was awesome that they were going to MExico. At one point when they were leaving hte bathroom, the subject of Mexican Whores came up, and one in the group piped in and was like "HEY, THEY"RE NOT WHORES, THEY"RE NICE HOOKERS, HAVE SOME RESPECT" or something along those lines. Anywa,y you can see where that plane ride was probably a bit uncomfortable for some, like the couple sharing my row with me. They were so annoyed, and they guy said his ipod dies about 3 minutes into the flight, and that he had to listen to it all the way down. hahahahaha. Sucker.
I will post now, adn do a Dallas part 2 post later
