This weekend was a pretty good one, but with a lot of driving. I woke up early Saturday and drove down to Fresno. I had never been to Fresno before, and all I ever heard about it was how ugly it was, how high of a crime rate it had, it was an armpit, it was miserable, the drive sucked, Fresno sucks on and on and on. So, going down ,I didnt have a whole lot of expectations on what I was going to find when I got there. My good friend Nick Riley was in town, his in-laws live in Visalia which is about 45 mins south of Fresno. Nick lives in Dallas with his wife and daughter, and they flew in to visit. I dont get to see him that often, and I hadnt met his baby daughter yet, so I figured since they were in the state, and I dindt have anyhting else going on, I would drive down to visit and hang out for a bit. It worked out perfect, because my other good friend and Fraternity brother Chris lives in Fresno and said I could craash out at his house. So I was up early, about 5 am or so, and on my way down to Fresnizzo. The drive wasnt all that bad. I love doing these kind of weekend trips. I love the fact that I can wake up in the morning, and before the day really gets going I can be in a completely different place, kciking it with my friends. I was thinking while Iw as down ther,e I should do this all the time. Go to LA, or Santa Barbara, or Tahoe, or when I went to Crescent City (kind of far) or Lake Shasta. I love it! So, anyway, I was able to hang out with Nick and meet his daughter, who was adorable. She was so cute, and just smiled all the time. He and his wife seem to be doing so great together, and Nick seems to be happier and more at peace than I have seen him in a long time. I lvoe seeing him so happy to be a dad. It makes me look forward to having some of my own children some day.
Kicking it with Chris was cool to. I got to see a bit of Fresno, and we saw a Journey cover band play who was actually pretty good. Chris' hosue is really nice. I was telling him that his spare room was nicer than my own bedroom. The bed he had in there was so damn comfortable. When I woke up Sunday morning it was like I was climbing out of a fog. It was great, I hadnt slept so deep in a long time. I thoguht it was a bit weird that I was able to do it in a different bed than my own.
Over all the trip to Fresno was no where near as bad as I thought. From the parts that I saw, I actually thought Fresno was pretty nice. I mean, I dont know that I would want to live there, because not much is around it, but as far as how it looked and how much I liked it, I will definitely be going back to hang out.
The drive home was a bit brutal, and I was soooo tired whne I got back to town. I had to pay my bills, and put on a movie and I had to have found the most depressing movie ever. It was called Felon, and it was about some ordinary dude who gets locked up for committing a crime on accident. He was protecting his family nad hit some dude with a bat, and ended up going to jail for it. Then, one thing happeneed after another, and he found himself in the midst of trying to survive in the prison, and just make it till his time was done so he could see his wife and kid again. The whole thing, especially with having been to Pelican Bay, and hainvg conversations with Eric about the life in Prison, and the corruption, and what it is like etc, it was just depressing and sad. So after I finished that movie, I was like, fuck this, I need to go and rent a comedy or something that is going ot make me feel better.
I went grocery shopping, and picked up a movie. I got the Jim Carey movie called, YES MAN. It was the perefect movie! I loved it. The whole premise of the movie fit my line of thinking. That the world will present opportunities for you, and the more you accept them, and follow that path, the more life will conspire to help you out ,and bring you the things you want/ or need. It made me laugh, and it made me think that I'll need to try to be saying "yes" more often. I already try to do my best to say yes to things. Look at this weekend. Perfect example. Nick's coming to town, wanna come visit, yes! Either way, it was a great way to finish up the weekend, and it sure as hell helped me to snap out of the funky ass mood the fricken Felon put me in.
A great weekend.
