When life speaks to you

Sometimes life has a way of speaking to you in just the manner in which you need to hear it. Sometimes it is subtle hints, causing you to think, to question, to dig deeper, to change your mind or whatever it may be. Other times it is bold, in your face statements that help you to see what is really going on and help you with a tough decision or perhaps help you set off in the right direction.
I have had a few experiences over the last few days, and as far back as a few weeks ago, that have really helped me to see which direction I need to go. I cannot speak to them specifically at this point in time, simply because some things are still up in the air that I do not control, but regardless of where things may fall or what decisions are made by others, I have found life speaking to me very directly. I had a moment this morning when I realized it, and it was one of those in your face moments, where I just knew what decision I was to make, and which direction I was to head when it comes to my life and what I would like to do.
I am excited to have a bit of peace when it comes to this, and now it is simply a matter of time to let things work themselves out.
I never stop being amazed at the way that life guides you along so long as you are open and aware and pay attention to the road signs set before you. Sometimes we get lost, or of track, but always we find our way if we are continuing to move, and always keeping an eye out for the signs.


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