The Wedding Ceremony

So this was pretty much the entire wedding ceremony. I switched up some words, and edited it down a bit, but just as when songs are sang live, you always have a few changes, and some differences. Anyway, here it is. . .

Ladies and Gentleman, friends, family, and loved ones, thank you for being here with us today, to witness and celebrate the marriage of Lisa and Jason. Something you will find with every successful marriage is the unrelenting, undying, and unconditional love and support that comes from friends and family members. Over the years to come, you all may be called upon to be the safety net, the helping hand, the sounding board for advice, or the shoulder to cry on. You will also be there to see the love, and joy, and share in the gifts of life that come as well. In being here today I’d like to ask that you recognize the important role you will play in the lives of these two, and the success of their marriage. I cannot stress the importance of having the support of family and friends when it comes to the success of any partnership, any marriage. So I’d really like to thank everyone for being here with us all today.
When I was first asked to perform this ceremony, I accepted immediately and felt greatly honored. Then I was struck with the realization that I was going to have to write up the ceremony, and I freaked out a little bit, wondering what on earth I was going to say. I sat and thought about it for a while, and I began to think about what I know about these two, and their relationship, their lives, their family. I then started to think about love, and marriage, and it became very clear to me what I should talk about.
You see Lisa and Jason have been together for 11 years already. They have a home, they have a family, 2 beautiful sons Cody and Jacob. They are already seen as one in their eyes, as well as those of friends and family. Together they have experienced so much of what life has to offer already. They have had moments of pure bliss, immense joy, consuming love, and together they have shared some of, if not the best moments in their lives. Over the years though I can assure you that they have also experienced anger, sadness, failure, fear, and some of the most challenging, difficult, and heart wrenching moments of their lives as well. Through it all they have endured and continued to live, love and grow . . .Together, as one. After 11 years, and having experienced so many of the ups and downs of life, and still taking even further steps to demonstrate to each other the depth of their love and commitment for one another and their family, this can only be called one thing, and one things only. That is Unconditional Love.
Now there is no set and universally accepted definition as to what Unconditional Love is. To each person it means something different. I sat with this for a while, and I tried to come up with some words that would help me to describe to you what it means, for us here today, when considering the love that these two share today.
Unconditional Love is invincible. Nothing will ever stop it, nothing will ever deter it. It is accepting and It is infinite. It is powerful and moving. Unconditional Love is independent of any other feelings. Other feelings will come and go, be them joy or sorrow, happiness or anger, but always they pass and always underlying them all, and continuing to endure is Unconditional Love. It is never based on anything received. Unconditional Love only goes one way, from one person to another, with no stipulations or conditions placed on whether it will be given. It is never something that can be asked for, or demanded, or expected. It can only be given. Giving someone Unconditional Love is truly the most precious gift you could ever offer to them, for it is truly giving of yourself, and all that you are. When you recognize that someone has given this to you, it is one of the most humbling and beautiful gifts and should be recognized and cherished as such.
So what I see, and what I think about when I look at Lisa and Jason are two people who have given this gift of themselves, and all that they are, to each other. At the same time, I see two people who have accepted this gift, and treat it as the treasure that it is.
With their lives already so much together, it may be asked, why even get married? Well marriage is more than just a piece of paper. Marriage is not about a license. It is not even an institution as they call it. Marriage is a symbol, a gift, a significant promise to each other that you will be there forever. It is the act of giving yourself to your counterpart, to your love, selflessly, and without reservation and KNOWING that this gift you are presenting to them, will be accepted without reservation, with great pride, and honor. It will be cherished, guarded, and well taken care of as it will be viewed as the most important, and significant thing that has ever been given to them. Marriage is about coming together, in the face of friends, family, and God, and bringing everyone together to witness Unconditional Love, and merging two people into one for eternity.

Will the two of you now face each other, look one another in the eyes, and let your souls be together, as I take you through your vows.
Jason, do you recognize this gift of unconditional love from Lisa, and all that it is, as the greatest gift she could ever give to you?
Do you promise to love her and accept her for all that she is, and all that she strives to be. In times of plenty and times of want. In times of failure and in times of triumph. In Sickness and in Health?
Jason do you promise to be honest, faithful and accept Lisa as your wife with all of your being, without fear or reservation, offering the same of yourself?
Jason do you take Lisa to be your wife from this day forward, to share in life, and in love and all that they will bring?
Now Lisa
Lisa, do you recognize this gift of unconditional love from Jason, and all that it is, as the greatest gift he could ever give to you?
Do you promise to love him and accept him for all that he is, and all that he strives to be. In times of plenty and times of want. In times of failure and in times of triumph. In Sickness and in Health?
Lisa do you promise to be honest and faithful and accept Jason as your husband with all of your being, without fear or reservation, offering the same of yourself?
Lisa do you take Jason to be your husband from this day forward, to share in life, and in love and all that they will bring?

I’d now like to read something from The Prophet by Kahill Gibran.
On Marriage
Kahlil Gibran
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

The rings
Jason to Lisa – repeat after me – With this ring, I thee wed, and offer a symbol of our unconditional love.
Lisa to Jason – repeat after me – With this ring, I thee wed, and offer a symbol of our unconditional love

With your friends and family as my witness, and it is with great honor that I pronounce you Husband and Wife.

You may kiss the Bride.

Ladies and Gentleman, Let me be the first to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Jason Dale Skinner!!!!


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