Passion, alternate realities, letting go, being present, stories, writing

I have had a number of topics brought to my attention for thought and contemplation lately. So in no particular order, here are some of my thoughts on them.
Passion. what am I passionate aobut. I was presented with this question by more than one person over the last week. I would have to say that I was asked by at least 5-6 people over the last two weeks or so what it is that I am passionate about. I was told that it is highly likely for me to attract quality people into my life, and make life long friends by doing, and engagin in activities that I am passionate about. So what is it that I am passionate about? I think that I am passionate about passion! I know that sounds lame, but it is true. I get so fired up when I see someone totally into something, where they are just so filled with that feeling of passion that it becomes contagious. It comes in the form of excitement, of enthusiasm, and in the unwaivering belief that their passion will manifest itself into reality.
I remember feeling back in August that I needed something to be passionate about, that my life was lacking in some direction ,some purpose. In Novemeber I was asked to participate and help with Aaron's fundraiser The Last Hill Before Home, and I cant remember ever feeling so excited, and passionate about something. All of the gifts and realizations that came, and continue to come as a result of working on the project have been amazing. The enthusiasm, the excitement, all of it. It is a classic example of doing the seemingly impossible because not succeeding was simply not an option. It reminds me of the story I heard about Jim Carey the actor a while ago. He was living out of his car, and trying to make it as a stand up comedian in LA, trying to get his career off the ground. He wrote himself a check for 20 million dollars, and post dated it for 5 years. He kept that check, and he truly believed that he would make it happen, and with the passion he had, and the firm belief that he would do it, and that failure simply was not even an option, he did it. Somewhere right around the 5 year date of that check writing, he signed a movie deal that was going to pay him 20 million dollars. The power of hte mind is truly remarkable, and one can never underestimate the power of hte spirit when you have such passion and belief in what you are doing. So my point in saying that is that my involvement, my participation in the Last Hill project truly showed me through experience what it means to be passionate about something. So I was asking myself, what am I passionate about? I gotta say that my passion burns most when it comes to love, to life, romance, helping others, writing, making a difference, bringing people together, tearing down barriers and building bridges (figuratively speaking), enjoying music, theater, art, traveling, experiencing life with others, sharing experiences, learning, and spreading love. So then I was asked,what can I do in my life to begin to be involved in one or more of these things that ignite my passion, I began to think about it. First of all, if you've never evne thought about what you are passionate about, try it sometime. Sit down, and ask yourself, and write them down. I think this is the first time I've ever even done it, and I was quite amazed to see what it was that I feel so strongly about. My passion comes from feelings much more than it does from anything material. I get the most out of my life throuhg expeirences, and feelings.
So, getting to the point, I am now to use this list, as my map to begin implementing things, activities, people, etc into my life that will allow me to share some of my passions with other like minded people.
I'll write the rest of thesm later. I've got to get to work.
Still to come, alternate realities, letting go, being present, stories, writing

