Wanna Get Away?

So we've all seen them, the Southwest Airlines commercials where something extremely awkward happens, and then the "ding" sound and the commercial voice asks "wanna get away?"

Here is one of my favorites. Watch it, and you'll get an idea what I am referring to.

So anyway, I go to Lake Shasta on Saturday to see my family who has been camping there for the last week. I invited my friend Sunshine, who i met a few weeks ago, and we've been hanging out and getting to know one another. She recently had a baby, and he came with us as well. So we get there, and have breakfast, and it was obvious that my dad had been up fro a bit, and had started drinking early. We eat breakfast, and then change, and we're going to go out on the boat and go wake boarding. Sunshine changes into her bikini, and we're getting ready to leave, and my dad say to her "Jesus Sunshine now I can see why that baby is so damn happy!" . . . It was like a record scratched. Everyone knows my dad is prone to inappropriate outbursts but this one was like whoa! and it didnt stop there. He follows it up with this "Shit if you lay against your chest I'd fall asleep too" referring to the baby quickly falling asleep after she picked him up and held him.
As soon as he said it I literally cringed, and my shoulders came up to my ears, and I experienced a "wanna get away" moment. Thanks Dad!

For the record she was a good sport about it. It was definitely awkward, but she just laughed it off, and tried to ignore it. Everyone else was yelling at my dad to shut the fuck up. That conversation went something like this,
"Oh my God Thomas!!!"
my dad "what what? I'm just saying "
Shut the up Thomas! You're embarassing her"
my dad "but I was just trying to. . .
"just shut up, come on, jesus flippin christ! "
my dad "I'm just trying to give her a compliment, that wasnt nice"

the whole family gives a collective "sigh!!!" there wasnt any hope at that point. Lets get on the boat and get out of here. hahaha.

WOW! Oh, and this was her first introduction to my family, so to all those who havent met them yet. You have been warned. If there is alcohol the likely hood of a really inappropriate comment increases to oh I dunno, about 95%.

Had a great time wake boarding though!

