Some time to reflect

I was sitting down and reading through my old blog posts yesterday, switching back and forth between Aaron's blog and my own. Reading the two perspectives on our trip through Panama back in January. It has only been six months since Aaron and I set out on officially kicked off this fundraiser known as the Last Hill Fundraiser. Maybe even less than six, since we didnt actaully start riding until Jan 19th, so what is that 5 and 1/2 months. Aaron had the idea, it came to him while he was in India, and then really began to come a reality when he was contemplating his return to the States while he was in South America. Reading through the blogs really was like tapping into a fountain of youth of sorts. You see, the entire experience of that ride, and all that it consisted of, and then taking on a role in working to make this fundraising effort successful has been the most incredible thing I have ever been a part of. So when I read through my blogs, I remember how excited I was, and all the beauty I saw, all the fun I had, and more than anything all of the inspiration I felt, saw, created, and was a part of. I start lighting up again when I read about it. I read some of my own posts about ANYTHING being possible, about Aaron following his heart and leading by example, being an inspiration to others. It recharged my batteries and reminded me just how incredible of an undertaking this has been, from every perspective imaginable. I have grown so much, and learned so much as a result of being involved with this, it is really wild to think about. To me, this time of reflection really pointed out to me just how much things can change in such a short amount of time. Think about it, only 5 and 1/2 months ago, this things started. Now, after I rode 300+ miles, Aaron rode over 3500 miles through 8 countries, 2 fundraising events one in LA, and on in SF, and an immeasurable amount of support from friends, families, and strangers, we are now close to our goal. In 5 1/2 months we have raised 11,100 dollars, and are so close to our goal of 15,000. All of this is being done in one of the worst economic climates in the history of our nation. That shows that people still care. That people still believe in good, in helping, in coming together, and supporting good causes.

After reading through all of these blogs, and reliving a little bit of that magical trip, I have been infused with a renewed energy. We have another event planned for Sept 19th in San Francisco. This one will feature some amazing photography showcasing 7 different travelers views as they ventured around the world. Each piece will give you a glimpse into the magical journey they were on, and perhaps allow you to share in that magic through their eyes (lens) and help you to understand how these travels change you, open you up, and bring us all together. I am excited about this event, to be a part of it. This event is a true culmination, the exclamation point of all exclamation points for Aaron, and his travels, and more specifically his dream of helping the children in Jalapa Guatemala.
