The most recent Dave Matthews CD

I bought the latest Dave Matthews cd a few weeks ago. Maybe it was 6 weeks ago or aorund then. Anyway, the first time I listened to it, I was not all that impressed. I was like hmmm, do I like this? Some of these songs are good, but whats really going on. Since then though I have read the review that Rolling Stone did on the album and it put things in perspective a little bit. I also took a few long drives, and that really gave me the chance to listen to the music all the way through. I have to tell you that the more I listen to this album, the more in love I become with it. From top to bottom, each song hits a chord inside in one way or another. Some songs make you reflect, others make you think, some make you feel, and yet others make you want to jump out of your seat and rockabilly dance y'all. I havent allowed myself to get burnt out on it to fast. I wont listen to it every day, only once or twice a week.
I wanted to share this with you, and encourage anyone who has ever enjoyed the sounds of DMB to pick up the album, or gimme a shout and I will make you a copy.
