I am a hippy?

So it has become a recurring theme of sorts, one that I find myself completely blindsided by. A perception of me has been brought to my attention a few times over the last month, and it has caught me by surpise to say the least. What is it? Well I have been told that I am in fact . . . . . a hippy! Can you believe it? AM I?
My roommate was the first person to say this to me about a month or a month and a half ago. I was completely caught off guard and was like "what are you talking about? What makes me a hippy? I'm not a hippy?" She explained it to me, again and again and again, and I still could NOT see it AT ALL. Each time she would say something, I would be like WHAT? Are you serious? no, thats not true. But she insisted, was in fact quite sure, as in 100% that I was in fact VERY hippy-ish! She siad it was because I liked Bob Marley, because I had many spiritual beliefs, and did things like meditating, and stretched out, and prayed. Because I had funky tribal masks hanging on my wall in my home, and various figurines on my mantle. She said I was very mellow, and laid back and just totally put off a hippy vibe. She even went so far as to say that when she walked in to meet me when she wsa looking at hte place to see if she wanted to rent it that she immediately got the feeling that I was hippy-ish, botth from the decor of my hosue and my personality. She also said her friends agreed upon this when they all left. I couldnt believe it.

Then, a few weeks after it was brought to my attention that this was in fact a possibility, my friend Sunshine told me I was an undercover hippy. I had never told sunshine of the conversation with my roommate, and again I was blown away at this comment. I started laughing, and was like "what? why?" She said it was because I did guided meditations, and because of certain beliefs in the way the world worked, energies, fate, things like that. She said that I am an undercover hippy, because I dont necessarily dress as one, or seem like one at first but once you get to know me a bit, it comes out more and more and more. At this point now two people have called me a hippy. I began to wonder, well what is there definition of a hippy? Perhaps it is different than mine, so that is why I am having trouble wiht this perception.

Last but not least, and this was the kicker. Kelly's boyfriend Scott was over last night, and we were all sitting around the table talking. Scott is sharing a story and he was like "yeah, adn these people were totally. . . (looks at me) no offense. . .but they were total hippies!" and continues to go on with his story.
"wait wait wait" I stop him, and ask "why did you stop and look at me adn say no offense when it came ot them being hippies" I couldnt even say it without laughing, and my roommate busted up laughing immediately. I was looking at her, nad was like, what? did you tell him what you said? where is he getting this? and at this point all three of us were rolling laughing so hard, and I coldnt believe it. Scott went on to explain it was because I had masks hanging on the wall, bob marley framed picture up, my figurines, my buddha statue in my bathroom, my dream catcher hanging on the wall, and he saw this news and review paper with the medical marijuana ad face up on the coffee table. I tried to explain to him that the new and review paper was actually an article about poetry that i was saving, but I had no explanation for all the rest of the stuff. He then was like, well you dont have any Free Tibet signs or flags hanging around, and no peace signs. I then let him in on the fact that I had a sweater that had a peace sign, with flowers around it, and a banner reading "power to the peaceful" written on it. "Thats it then, you've just been officially certified" or something along those lines.

All in all, it is something that I am gonna have to accept I guess. I have nothing against hippies at all. In fact I like a lot of what the culture and movement stood for. I dont think of it as an insult in any way, I jsut always thought of them as being so much different thhan I was. I just couldnt believe that this was something that people were seeing in me that I had never in a million years saw in myself. So I guess I am a hippy! I may not smoke weed, wear tie die, or have dreads. .. but as I admitted lsat night in our conversation. I would do all of those things if I could! hahaha.



  1. This totally made me laugh. Take it as a compliment! Hippies are all about love, peace, spirituality, culture, acceptance, non-conformity, etc. Power to the peaceful! I'm all about it. Love is my religion. :)



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