Crecent City - some photos

I took this picture while I was chilling by myself (obviously) waiting for it to get dark so I could watch the fireworks
Here I was reading through my book, and doing some meditation and journaling in the park near where the fireworks were to be displayed. Freedom was the word I had to meditate on. Quite the word being that we were celebrating independence day, and that I was visiting a friend in prison.
I laid down to take a nap in my car near the ocean. I fell asleep to the sound of the waves. I woke up, took a fun picture. This was it. Kind of creepy, but I laugh every time I see it :-)
I love this picture. I had to set up the timer, and then run like hell over to this log, and try to sit and look like I was enjoying the scenery before it snapped the shot. That was a lot of fun. I did get some time to actaully sit and listen for a while. It was hard to quiet my mind that day. I was about to go in and visit Eric on the first day here.
Shot of my car with all the fog. I thought it looked cool
This is the image that I was looking at all weekend as I was trying to come up with a written piece for the Last Hill Event in Sept. I worked all weekend, and got a very good foundation for a solid piece.
Me reading, and writing in Starbucks, working on the Last Hill piece for the 7 Views photo exhibit, and silent auction
So how cool is it that a bus at the hostel was chilling there with my last name on the side of it. Talk about serendipity. I was meant to take this trip. It was awesome.
Just a shot of the cow farm near the entrance to the prison.
The sign to the park area where the light house is.
Driving through the beautiful redwood forrest
This is a picture from the highway of the hostel I stayed in. Right across the freeway was the beach. Amazing!
This is me walking on the beach on my first night there. It was so interesting to be up there, and having all this quiet time to myself.
There was a stream nearby that I hiked along for a short bit, and took a picture. The timer was used more on my camera in 3 days than it had ever been used before. hahaha
This is the light house in crescent city. when the tide is in, it is isolated on a little island. Lucky for me I was able to get there when I could walk across and hang out for a bit.
This is the back side of the hostel, from where everyone parked
A shot of the highway as I was coming up on a peek at the ocean. I think I was just outside of Arcata here.
I stopped along the windy stretch of 199 and stretched out, and took a couple pics.

AHHHHHHEEEWWWWWWWWWW :-) I love this one! If you've ever driven for hours on your own, and gotten quite bored, then you'll see the humor here.

So- when I just got back from my trip, this was what I had written, but never posted. I wasn't ready to post anything, because I didnt really understand everything that had transpired. I wanted to give myself some time to really digest the trip, and come to grips with its significance, lessons, and what it all meant to me. With that being said, here was what I had started to write, but never finished about the trip.
...I had the priveledge of driving up to crescent city over the 4th of July weekend, and it quickly became apparent to me this trip was much more than a visit to see Eric. I had thoughts leading up to this trip, of what it would entail, and what kinds of emotions I would feel, and things like that, and they were pretty much spot on.
I have a ton of photos that I want to post, and some silly videos, and I'll get them up when I get my computer back home, and working. Damn thing took a shit a few weeks ago (6) and I have been without since. Which is why everything in the blog is text and no photos. I digress.
So I spoke already about my trip to crescent city back when I was making the plans to go. I was wondering if I'd be going with anyone, and what it was going to be like since I was going to visit Kari's cousin, and every time I had been up there before I had been with her. So I wondered what feelings, and emotions were going to come up as a result of the trip. Well, I made the trip alone, and i think that was by design. I wasn't meant to have the company, I was meant to spend a lot of time soul searching, and thinking, and feeling, and being. Leading up to the trip, I thought about Kari all the time. I was starting to wonder, like WTF, why? When I was up there, I realized it was because the trip was looming, and it reminded me of her.
So I left on Friday morning around 7am, and the drive is around 7 hours all together, with stops for food for about 30 minutes, and all that. I took a different route this time around, heading to Redding, then cutting across to ARcata.. That stretch of road was 3 hours (or 2.5) long, and it was windy, and mountainous, and beautiful. All in all about 130 miles. I was driving my BMW and I put on some DJ Digweed from an LA set he did a few years ago and it was AWESOME. I was totally caffeinated, and was rocking out. I was flying through the mountains, and really enjoying the ride. After Digweed, I switched it up and put in some Willie Nelson. Slowed down a bit, and just enjoyed the drive through the canyon, next to the Trinity River.
I stayed in a hostel, it was 21 bucks a night, and it was the coolest place. 15 miles south of crescent city, and right across the freeway from the ocean. I was sharing a room with 5 others.
When I got in about 2 or so, I checked in, and then went to the beach, and then took a nap for a bit. When I woke up, I drove into town, and I went to the light house, and I went by the prison. It was so weird for me to be up there all alone.
The whole trip took on this mystic feel, and I think the weather had a lot to do with it. It was over cast, and at certain points of the day, the mist, and coastal fog would creep in.
I had brought my book up that I have been trying to finish for 7 years and I told myself that I would take advantage of my alone time, and really do some of the work in it. The book is called soul mission life vision, and it requires a lot of writing, and meditations, and really takes time.
I also have been asked to write a piece for this upcoming event in SF in Sept for Aaron, and so I was set on getting something put together for that as well.
I was anxious for my visit with Eric. I wasn't sure what it was going to be like, but I was excited for sure. Going into the jail is always a stressful experience. you gotta wear certain clothes, and you gotta drive into this place, and go through security, and all this shit. It is tough.

Now today is July 27th, and it has been almost a month since the trip. I have written about a conversation with my roommate, and thinking that I have done about being emotionally available to another relationship. I have written about progress, and steps I have taken to become so, and I have talked about enjoying the process. What I have touched on, but I dont think I have fully explained was just how significant this trip to Crescent City was for me in my process of healing, growing, and stepping out and away from my past, and into my present. My life had started shifting before I took this trip. I had begun to step out again, and make myself available to go out on dates, make new friends, and make it a point to get out of my own little world, my shell I call it, and stop being scared to put myself out there. Well, going on this trip gave me so much time to myself, and that time really gave me an opportunity to think about what I am doing in my life, what I want, where I am, and where I am headed. I have talked about thinking of Kari, and all that, leading up to the trip, and it was for good reason. While I was there, everywhere I went, for the most part, there was a memory of her and I together. It wasnt that it was painful, nothing like that, but it was almost as if it were necessary for me to walk through that stuff, and come out on the other side ok. What I am seeing now is that it was acting as some sort of closure, an end and a beginning at the same time. I was able to do things that we had done, on my own, and be ok with it. Now dont get me wrong i have been taking steps to recover and heal from that relationship for a while now, but this was an opportunity for me to se where I was in the process. I was able to take time to think, to reflect, and to find peace in my heart with a lot of things. I spent a lot of time thinking, meditating, and just being. I am not sure I am able to put it into words, but I think what I got most out of that trip with regards to Kari was acceptance, and the release of some fear that I had carried. Up until now I have not done certain things, or gone certain places because I know that she goes to them. I didnt want to run into her, I wasnt ready for that. It also kept me from reaching out and becoming friends or trying to be friends with people in the same social circle. What the trip helped me to start to realize, and this last month has helped me to firm up was that I dont need to, nor should i allow fear to dictate actions or inactions. More than anyhting, the whole trip has acted as a catalyst, a point of closure, and a new door. It was a point in my life where things ended and started at the same time.
My conversations with Eric were awesome. He and I were able to cover so many topics from what he is going to do when he gets out, some of the shit he has experienced since he has been in, what I am doing in my life, we talked about money, and investments, work, home, friends, my fundraiser. We were able to sit and talk for a little over two hours each day, and it was great to sit and talk. I have always said that Eric was (and still is) one of the most inspirational people I have ever met in my entire life. Ever since I have first met him, and hearing about his experiences and how he still has so much life left in him, and hten getting to know him more over the last 3 years, its been amazing. He has not let his circumstances kill his will to live, but has rather used it as a means to enhance his perspective, and be a true living example that freedom truly is from within Well I received a letter from him the other day, and he wrote to me and said that I inspire him in many ways, and that really meant a lot to me, and it put me at a loss of words. I was humbled to say the least. I think my trip up there helped to solidify a growing friendship that we've developed over the years, and it was great to have the chance to talk with him and share ideas and life.
The over all experience, outside of my feelings, emotions, and conversations with Eric was all positive as well. I had a lot of time alone. To say the least. I spent a lot of time working on my book. I meditated on the word freedom, on July 4th, after visiting a person in prison. I did a lot of journaling, nad I was able to spend a great deal of time, some 6-7 hours over two days writing the poem that I am to perform on Sept 19th at the Last Hill Before Home 7 Views photo exhibit. What I came up with is about as close as I can come to encapsulating the entire experience from start to finish, and where the fundraiser came from, and what it means. I had to revise it some 5-6 times over the last few weeks, but my time in Crescent City really allowed me the opportunity to let it come to me without trying to force anything. I am happy with the result. I will be posting it after Sept 19th, in case you are not there to hear it live.
So all in all, my trip was pretty much everything I had thought it would be. I had fun, and I recognize now all of the gifts that the trip has brought me.
