Counting Crows Concert

I was really excited to go to this concert, ever since I had saw that they were playing in Berkeley. This was one of those occasions where I didnt have the money to be doing a whole lot, but chose to make a sacrifice, and dig a little bit of debt, in order to make attending this show a reality. When I originally bought the tickets, I had no idea who I was going to bring. I wanted to bring someone that shared the same passion for the music as I did, and someone who i knew I'd ahve a good time with. After a little thinking, I realized that if I am going to see the counting crows there is really only a handful of people that should really be there with me. Most of them live out of town (or out of hte country) so they werent options. My friend Josh however did live in the area, and he was one of those select few who I knew would love to go. You see, since the counting crows have come out back in 1994 they have been the one band that we've all followed and enjoyed, some of us more than others. They do have one song in particular though that we always get together and sing, at any major event, b-day parties, weddings etc. That song is Mr Jones. Anyway, I invited Josh to the concert, and he hasnt been to any concert at all since he was a teenager. When he told me this I couldnt beleive it. I drove down and picked him up at his house, and we headed out a couple hours early to Berkeley. The show was at the Greek Theater, and I'd never been tehre before. We stopped and got some pizza, and along the drive andduring dinner we had one of those conversations that only best friends can have.
A quick note about my friendship with Josh. He and I have known each other since he was in Kindergarten and I was in 2nd grade. His brohter Rich has been my best friend since second grade, and Josh and I started hanging out when we were like 21 or so, when he no longer was the little brother, but an equal. Since then, Rich, him and I have become like brohters to each other. I consider Josh to be one of my best friends, and I try to emulate him and learn from how he leads his life in many ways. I always value his perspective, and his opinions and we share a lot of the same ideals and principles about life.
So we talked on the way to dinner about what was going on in our lives, at home, at work, inside of us (emotinally and spiritually) and what we discovered was that our belief in "God", and our spiritual beliefs were pretty much exactly the same. As we discussed our beliefs, and ideas about spirituality I think we were both surprised to find out that someone else thought and believed the same as us individually. The conversations continued and I talked about my life, and dating, and moving forward in my life, and the entire conversation brought me a lot of clarity, and really reenforced things that I had been thinking already.
So with that being said, we get to the concert, and are ready to just really love the show. The setting was AMAZING. If you've never seen a show at the Greek Theater, you are mising out. It is not a huge venue, and every seat is pretty much awesome. We were center stage more or less, but up in one of the higher sections. I thought it was great because we couldsee the entire stage.
The bands came out, and it turned out that Michael Franti of spearhead was not going to be there because his appendix burst a few days before, and he was recovering. The counting crows, and augustana put on one helluva show. They would sing and play together, nad back each other up during the others songs, then give each band a little time on its own. At one point, when the sun had set, the stage was all lite up, and directly above it was the crescent shaped moon, directly above the stage. It was like some scene out of a movie, and it felt that way too.
I met a girl at the show, her name was Gina. It was funny, because I saw her from a far, and was telling Josh, wow look how beautiful she is, point her out. It turns out that she sat right next to me, and we got to chatting during the show. She was really sweet, and a huge fan as well so that was aweseome to sit and share ideas about the songsm eanings and everything. Crazy story aobut that, she was with her mom, and her mom was from my hometown, san leandro! small world.
All in all, the show, the conversations with Josh, and being able to share the show and experience with him, all of it was truly one of the best things that has happened to me this year. I mean, I have had an absolutely amazing year so far, and this is definitely around the top of the list.
Thanks to the Counting Crows, Augustana, Josh, Gina, her mom, and everyone else who was at the show and made it such a wonderful experience.


  1. Thanks for the kind words and the unforgettable night.


  2. It was a great show! Counting Crows always shine and Augustana really stepped up to the plate too!

    Check out some of my videos of both bands at:



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