Weekend in SF

I love my weekends in San Francisco. I was able to drive down to the Bay Area on Saturday morning, with my first stop being at my brothers house in Livermore for my Dad's birthday party combined with another family friends b-day party. It didnt take long before the tequila shots started flowing, and people were getting thrown into the pool. My family definitely can get wild at times, but it is all in good fun. I think they are so great at being welcoming, and have the come as you are be as you are type of philosophy. My brother actually invited a girl he had only been out with a couple times to come and hang out. I was talking with her over lunch, and asking her how she was holding up hahaha. Cause we can all be a lot to take in, especialyl when you get everyone together, with a pool, and a ton of booze. She seemed to be handling it pretty well though.
After that, it was off to SF. I picked up Aaron at Reggie and Rachels on my way, dropped my dog off at my parents, changed at Aaron's and SF here we come!!! It was a PERFECT night in SF. I mean, no clouds, little to no wind at all which is RARE, and hardly any traffic getting into the city. We met up with a few other friends for some amazing thai food. It is this place called Osha Thai on Geary and Leavenworth. It looks kind of dumpy on the outside, but the food is good, and very moderately priced. After that, it was off to my friend Jason's Gay Pride party in the Castro.
Jason and I have been friends for some years, I met him through my ex-girlfriend Cynthia,and he has always raved about how crazy and wild his Gay Pride parties got! So, we all finished up dinner, grabbed a couple bottles of vodka, and away we went. I had never been to the Castro on Halloween or for any other Gay Pride thing in years past, and I was blown away at the atmosphere. They had all the streets shut down, DJs spinning music outside, and then thousands of people milling throuhg the streets. The party itself was just as good. We got there early, and saw it transform from a quiet chill party, into a drunk, wild, and entertaining party. With so many different personalities, and types of people there, it was truly a great representation of what SF is all about. I loved it. WE were able to get on the roof for a while, there was some dancing and all in all it was a great party.
Sunday was my favorite of the time in the city thouhg. I dont know what it is about spending an afternoon in the city, but it has so much nostalgia for me. I spent the night in the East Bay at my parents house. I realized in the morning that no one else was there. I said to myself, everyone must have continued to have a great time at the party yesterday since nobody made it home. I got my stuff together, went for a coffee wiht a friend I hadnt seen, visited with another friend at his house over breakfast, then off to the city. A group of my friends was at the Keezar Stadium Pub watching the Confederate Cup Final, with the USA playing against Brazil. I make my way into the city, much later than anticipated. I park a few blocks away, and run through the pan handle grass with my flip flops in my hand, so I can get tehre faster. As I am walking up, I hear this huge cheers and screams. Something happened! What? I get to the pub, and a group had gathered outsdie and was peering inside the door. USA had just scored its second goal, and were up 2-0 in the first half. That is CRAZY, because USA was in the finals first of all, and then to be ahead against a powerhouse like Brazil, 2-0 is just unfathomable. WEll, they werent letting anyone else in, and I thought to myself, fuck that. I'm getting in! So I went for a walk around teh block. Looking for ways that I could get into the back, and make my way in through the back door, or the kitchen or something. I go all around the block, and nothing, but just as I came up on the pub again, I noticed teh door on the side of the building was open, it was about a two foot space between the buildings, and it led directly into the bar. I stopped to look in for a second, made sure nobody was looking, and walked in. I stepped around mops, and brooms, and other obstacles, and get into the bar right at this persons table. I sit down, trying to pretend I belonged with this group of people. No one saw me come in, I am safe. The guy asks me to get up so his friends could sit back down, and I get up, and walk psat them, thanking them for letting me sit htere, and go find my friends.
Tehy are all shocked that I made it in, adn excited to see me. I find a nice place against the wall, lean back, and watch a very exciting game. USA ended up losing 3-2, but they played well, and at the end of the day, were simply outmatched.

After that, we went to get food, and then to smoke some sheesha (hooka pipe) on Haight Street. That was so much fun, walking the streets, and then smoking and sharing stories about travels, and wild times in the city. After a while, I reluctantly had to say good bye, and head off. I am driving home, still with the nostalgia of an afternoon in teh city on my mind, and I get a text from the guys. Tehy are still out tearing it up, ended up at a strip club, and were then going to a party. Man, I wish I still lived in the city sometimes. I thought to myself this morning, if I was still living in sf, I dont think I would have made it to work today. hahaha.

A great weekend.


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