Lightning Storm

So last night I went to the movies, and I saw Angels and Demons. It was much better than The Da Vinci Code, as far as book adaptations go. The whole movie talked about this cataclysmic explosion that would wipe out the vatican city, and of war between church and science, etc. I walk out of the theater to the most amazing light show I have ever seen. Looking to the north there was almost constant flashes of light, and bolting strands of lightning shooting across the sky. I have seen some pretty amazing thunder storms while I lived in Tucson, AZ, but for some reason these were much more powerful as far as the impact they had on me. I am not sure what the strangest part of it was. There was little to no thunder coming from the shooting bolts. They were almost constantly lighthing up the sky, in different areas, flash.. . flash.flash.flash....flash. And the last thing was that I am in Sacramento, in June, where t his sort of thing is not comomn at all. It all seemed so surreal to me. So I get in my car after the movie,and the direction I need to go is basically straight into the storm. I felt like I was driving to the end of the world or something. Perhaps that is a little dramatic, but picture this if you will. Driving down the freeway, November rain comes on the radio from Guns n Roses, and you see nothing but these huge, bright, and very frequent flashes of light between the clouds while bolts of lightning jump between one another. The air is thick, and muggy, but there is little to no rain. It is hot outside, and you are driving straight into the storm. All this after having just watched a movie where they talked about a world whose faith was being strained, and where scientists threatened to prove that a God didnt exist. Driving home last night, I felt my mortality for the first time. I was a bit scared believe it or not, and felt very small in relation to the power with which this storm was working with. It was amazingly beautiful. I dont know that I have been so fascinated with a display put on by mother nature in my entire life.


  1. Yes, it's true. We lived in Sacramento for over 40 yrs and were back for a grand daughter's graduation. Never saw anything like this. And we live in Colorado Springs, where electrical storms are epic! This was the weirdest storm we ever saw....and Heard. The sound was soooo strange.


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