Drive in to work

you may or may not know that one of my favorite things in all of the world is my morning coffee. I also really enjoy my drive into work on most days, while enjoying my morning coffee. I always stop at the starbucks near my house and order my drink. Everyone who frequents a starbucks has "a drink" It is rarely as simply as a cup of coffee, or simply a cappucino. My drink, a grande coffee in a venti cup with 2-3 ice cubes on top (not first, very important). Anyway, I get my coffee, and I head off to work. I am fortunate enough to live toward the end of the development of suburbia, and near the farm lands, hay fields, and rice fields that surround Sacramento and its surrounding communities. Anyway, rather than taking the freeway into work, which is usually filled with cars, and traffic, and asshole drivers, I get to drive down a 2 lane farm road amongst the fields and enjoy things like the sunrising, and seeing the birds flying around, a coyote now and again, the horses and the occasional cow in the fields. I get to witness the rice growing on a day to day basis, and rarely if ever do I get stuck into any kind of traffic. I enjoy my coffee, and I listen to my music, and it helps me to enter my day in a very relaxed, and peaceful mood. It gets my energy going, my creative juices starts to flow, my emotions open up, and I begin to connect myself with the world, and I begin to feel alive. I love it. It is truly a special time for me every time I get to do it.
Well this morning, I was driving into work, and I actually had to take the freeway because I am house sitting, and it is in a different part of town. I still had my morning coffee, and the traffic was not bad at all. I was able to cruise along, and didnt come across any crazy drivers, and I my music was perfect.
I was actually listening to Michael Franti and Spearhead, and this one song in particular came on. It is called, Hey World dont give up on on me. you can check out the music video here.
A particular line in that song struck me, and I thought it was perfect for what I was thinking and feeling at that moment. the line says
"the only thing I want to do is to be in the arms of someone who believes in me. . . Like I believe in you" I love that line. I look forward to the time when I find the comfort and love of someone that holds me and I know that they believe in me, and have faith in me, and trust in me, and they wont let me go.
Either way, a great way to start my day. It usually is.

