You thought we were done! ? ! ?

So the Last Hill Before Home fundraiser continues. You thought it was done with the close out event put on last month didnt you? Well the fact is that it isnt done until we've reached our goal of raising $15,000 that is going to build a school in Japapa Guatemala. With that being said, it looks like we're about $4,000 give or take a few dollars till we reach our goal. We've got one more event up our sleeves, and it is going to be an all inclusive, fun, memorable event that will have everyone doing something good for themselves (excercise) and good for their souls (participating in a good cause)
Aaron called me yesterday, and since he has been home from his 3500 mile trek, he has been scrambling to settle in and figure out how we're going to close this thing out. He had to send Ceasar back to its rightful owner, and was blessed with another bike this time coming from his Dad. It is like the guy is menat to ride, because bikes keep finding him without much effort on his part. Anyway, Aaron has the idea that we're going to do a one day bike ride, about 25 miles or so, but on all flat land. The details are still coming together, but what I have gathered so far in our conversations is that we have a date
SAVE THE DATE: July 25th.
We will ride from the Golden Gate bridge out through Sausalito, and into Marin, and then loop back around, and come back and meet at the GG Bridge. Everyone who rides will be required to pay a $75 registration fee, all of which goes towards the cause and is tax deductable. At the end of the ride we will celebrate by eating authentic Tacos off a taco stand that we bring in, and enjoy refreshments that will include (I'm guessing here) waters, sodas, beers, and other adult beverages.

So with that, start spreading the word, or getting ready. The ride will be VERY flat, and VERY slow and easy. We want ot make sure anyone who can ride a bike can complete the ride. It will not be a race, it is supposed to be leisurely and fun.

Lets Ride!!!
