We've come so far - and we are SO CLOSE

I cant believe it!!! We're almost there. It blows me away to think that it is almost June already!!! It seems like just yesterday that it was December, it was cold, and reality was becoming difficult and dark, and I was beginning to worry how I could make things ok again. I didnt know at the time how I was gonna pull it off, or be able to pay for it, and all that, but I decided back then that I was going to Panama, and I was going to participate in this kick ass fundraiser that was being titled, The Last Hill Before Home. Aaron emailed me sometime in Oct or November and asked me what I thought about the idea. I instantly loved it, and was 100% on board with the plan. I had been so excited for Aaron as he made his way around the world on his trip, and followed it as closely as you can through a blog and sporadic emails and post cards. I wanted to be a part of his travels, simply becasue I thought they were amazing, and then when he brought this to my attention and asked me what I thought, it blew my mind. FUCK YES! was my response DO IT!!! I was pumped, and immediately wanted to jump on the wagon, and be a part of it too. At that point in my life, I was suffering from some deep life changes, and fighting off falling into a dark place, toying with depression. This was exactly what the doctor had ordered. I made a commitment to mysefl that I was going to live, and I was going to do this, regardless of what else was at stake. I was willing to not pay my bills, to have my car repo'd or be delinquent on home payments because this was the sort of thing that I believe life is all about. It was a fundraiser. yes. It was an adventure. yes. It was new, and challenging yes. I also didnt realize it at the time just how much it helped to be a part of something that brought so many people together, to support a cause, and help others who are less fortunate and very much in need. 5 months later, about 4 months since I completed my ride in Panama we have come SO FAR. Literally and figuratively speaking. I rode over 300 miles through a country, and found my peace of soul, healed my heart, and learned to shift my perspective in life. Things have been on an upswing ever since. Aaron covered over 3500 miles on his bike, and was joined by other brothers along the way in CA to bring him home. Rob, Scott and John were there with him making sure he was able ot make it back to the GG Bridge. We held two fundraising events/ parties which were a lot of fun. The list could go on and on and on . I know for me, I am a changed man. Through the entire experience, I have seen felt some dramatic changes inside, and I think they have begun to manifest into my every day life. It is hard to fathom that through it all, we've been inching toward the goal of $15,000. At this point right now, we are only $4,080 dollars away from achieving the goal!! I cant believe it. Aaron's vision is a reality. There is no more uncertainty about whether it is possible, whether he will make it home, whether he will raise enough money, the questions that are being asked now are when, and what is next. Think about that. 5 months ago, a guy who never rode a road bike beofre set out on a journey that was aobut helping others, about giving back, and doing so in a way that he had never done before. He brought people together. People got excited and joined the cause. No one really understood, and probably still arent grasping the magnitude of all of these events, and how important of a role they are playing in so many lives. Only 5 short months ago, it was all unknowns. Now it is not if. Now it is not can I, or will I. Now it is when! Now it is what is next! Now it is becoming more a part of who we are and what we are about. It is starting to help us to define ourselves, to feel good about our lives, and what we're doing. This is not a world all about the proverbial "ME" it is a world about us. Jeff, the dude that traded Aaron his bike, later to be named Ceasar said it best. He may not have realized it at the time, but what he said, his parting words to Aaron, are exactly what this is all about. "One Love" is what he said.
I have always loved that saying. When I hear it, I think
One World. One People. One Love.
So with that, I just wanted to share that we are close to our goal. We've got one final event planned. And we're going to finish off what was started, and allow ourselves the privelege of being able to give back, and do something for somoene else who other wise wouldnt be able to do it.

