ty-ud from the weekend

So what a full and amazing weekend. Friday I was taken out for a (late) birthday dinner, adn that was really good. Then I went and watched the rest of the Lakers game, and enjoyed a cuban cigar at Bill's house. That place is like a paradise, with his back yard bar, outdoor flat screen tv, kegorator, etc. Its always good to go over there and watch a game. Saturday I worked my ass off in the morning, going to the gym, and then doing 5 hours of yard work. I alsmots blew up my lawn mower trying to cut my grass that was about 1.5 feet tall.It had been a while since I cut it, and it had my lawn mower puffing smoke out of it. not good. After that, and lunch I was able to nap for 3 hours! Oh did I need that. I mean, I hadnt had a solid nap like that in week,s adn it was glorious. I loved it. Got up, got my stuff together, and down to the bay I went. Met up with Aaron, and we headed out in the Mission in SF. It was awesome, we got some food, and went and met up with his buddy Eric Jones and some of his friends, and my friend Bason came and met up with us as well. IT was a lot of fun. Hanging out again with a group of single friends was refresshing. So often i am the guy who isnt married with kids ,so being out and about with some friends who werent was great. Sunday morning, after a horrible night of sleep in my parents house, I was up for Mothers Day, went and visited my grandma and grandpa for a bit, then went to my other grandma's house and said hi to my step mom, then went to the Dead Show. The dead show was so so. The beginning of it was very slow, and just so so, but the end picked up and it was awesome. They did a drum solo that lasted like 20 minutes, and it included fire dancers and it was amazing. I was blown away by it, and felt that that portion of the show alone was worht the price of admission. We snuck out during the encore, and were able to get out wiht out any traffic. The only problem was that I was still operating on 4 hours of sleep, and i didnt get back home to sleep at my parents till 1am and had to be up at 6 to make it to work in Sacramento. So here I am, after an amazing weekend, wondering to myself, how the heck can I make it back to SF, and get a job, and start alife down there. I miss the city. I think it is time for me to make some decisions on my next move.
