Memorial Day Weekend

Movies, BBQ, Basketball, Dancing, Swimming, Dates, and a damn bunk water heater. That about summed up my Memorial Day weekend. I had a great time, but I had issues with my water heaters, and that was the only down part about it. Saturday I was able to spend some time with a friend of mine Nick, and go to a meeting, got the weekend started off right. Friday night was a lot of fun, I went over Dave and Carolyn's where they had a BBQ, watched the basketball game, and caught up with them and Melissa and Matt who I hadnt seen in a while. The game was amazing, Lebron hit the game winner with 1 second, and it was WOW! After that I met up with Kelly and her friends at Basic in old Roseville and did some dnacing and what not. I had a decent time,b ut its a bit weird being out pretty much by myself as I didnt know many of the people. But I guess that is what it takes to get to know them, hang around for a bit, nad it starts to happen. It was a good time, and we got some Taco Bell on the way home, then in bed by 3am! Taco Bell probably wasnt the best idea nor was teh Rock Star I because both made me feel ick on Saturday. Saturday, meeting, then lunch with Kelly which is always nice, she is the roommate in case you forgot, and then a nap!!! LOVE THE NAP. I layed down on teh couch, nad started watching this movie called the Wackness!! WOW. I'll write more about that in a second. I was able to sleep for like 2 hours, and I woke up to a text from Dave asking if I wanted to go golfing! HELLS YEAH I said. So I dragged myself out of bed, threw the clubs into the car, and got to the course right when they were walking up to the first tee. I didnt shoot great, but i had a few decent shots, and that is all it takes to keep me comin back for another round. I am not a great golfer anyway, so I dont expect much. I love being out there and hanging out though. Saturday night I went out to the movies, had a good time, saw Star Trek with my friend Wendy. Sunday was cool. I woke up, and went to the book store, and to the gym with a friend Rebecca. It was kind of random meeting up and hanging out with her, but a nice surprise when she text me and asked me what I was up to. We had a good time actually, and will probalby be getting together again soon. Sunday afternoon I had to deal with a broken water heater, which my friend Brian came over and helped fix. I just bought a new water heater last March, and the piece of shit was fucking up already. I was a bit pissed about it. It took him a few hours to run around, get the parts, and replace the piece, and we thought, repeat THOUGHT we had it all fixed. I paid him for his work, nad he gave me a steep steep discount for being a friend, which I was very grateful for. Sunday night was spent at Bills Bar (my buddy Bills house nearby) watching the basketball game, and smoking a cigar. That night, I played video games, then went to pick up Kelly at 1am and brought her and her friends back to hte house where they hung out for a bit, and then went to bed. I was up early on monday and did yard work. Mowed the lawns, swept up the patio, and then Kelly comes out and says "the fucking water heater isnt working again!" What!? FUCK! I say. I call Brian up again, and was like Yo I need some help. And let me just say this, having a friend like brian is a God Send. He just says, no problem, I'll be right over, and gets out of bed and comes over to help out. WE spend the next 3 hours fixing the thing, I did the hosting, and he did hte fixing. I fed him lunch, drove him to Lowes, gave him soda's things like that. Turns out that the water heater that is only a year old has TWO defective parts. So basically the whole thing, outside of the piece that actually holds the water, was defective. The thing that pissed me off the worst though, is that when we called Whirlpool, they said they would only pay for HALF the labor. Now I am pissed, cause why the fuck are they going to pay for HALF the labor when their product is 100% fucking defective. FUCKERS! I'll get them to pay more than that. Anyway, we got it fixed, adn hot water is back on at the Ward Casa! Brian was awesome. I spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up around the house, paying bills, doing laundry, and chilling. Then I went over to bills again, where his wife was making a GRUBIN!!! ass BBQ dinner. We had NY Steak, Rib Eyes salad, corn, strawberry shortcake, smores, went swimming, and hung out and watched the LAker Game. IT was awesome. A great finish o the weekend. I got home, and hung out over Teresa's house next door fro a bit, watched some TV wiht her and her daugher, which is a treat for me since I dont have TV, and then off to bed. A great night of sleep, and good morning so far, and I am ready for this week. I have a big meeting with my boss on Friday,and will be working hard to get ready for it.
