the last hill video

I just got done watching the last hill before home video . . . again. It is amazing. Every time I watch it, I get chills at like 3-4 different points in the video. The video does such a great job incapsulating the entire journey, the experience, and what it did to and for so many people. I have never been a part of something so meaningful before in my entire life. Being a part of that was awesome. It is still all so fresh in my mind, and in my heart, it is incredible. I mentioned it at an earlier part of my blog, more around the time when I Was in or coming back from panama, when we started the ride/ fundraiser together. Seeing so many people come together to support one another, to be a part of this, was amazing. I got reconnected with, and closer with some people who I knew, and was friendly with, but didnt exactly have the experiences and memories with to call them friends. I can now call them friends, and we have already started talking of doing other rides, events, and fundraiser things.

After being a part of this, and experiencing it all, and then watching the video agian I truly get the feeling that Anything is possible. Seriously What isnt? All Aaron had was an idea to travel the world. He did it. With that experience, came another idea, and he did it. He listened to his heart, and the more he followed its direction, the more the world around him has conspired to help him along the way. Now he has accomplished something that has inspired so many, will help many others, and is doing something that makes a difference, not only to those that will receive the benefits of his work, but to those that were fortunate enough to be a part of it as well. It all has me thinking, what do I want? And why am I not doing it. If anything is possible, what do you want to do ?

