balls of steel

You ever kick yourself square in the ass, or beat yourself up because you dont seize an opportunity. You recognize it, you know it is right before you, and you just have to grab it, but some how, some way you just let it slip through your fingers, or you stand paralyzed wtih insecurity and/or fear, and do nothing while you try to justify in your mind why that was a better move than actually making a move. Well, I been like that a lot over the last few years, and more specifically over hte last few months. Now that I am single again, and finally starting to feel like getting out and dating more, I absolutely hate having that feeling that I missed the chance.
You never know when you're going to meet "the one" right? I mean, seriously, you never know. My friend Nick saw this woman working in the bank on the ground floor of his building for months, and always found her to be so beautiful, and attractive but never did anyhting about it. One day when he was outside, he saw her, and he said fuck it and he walked up to her and introduced himself. That was 7 years ago, and they are happily married with a beautiful baby girl. He saw the opportunity, and he took it. Balls of steal. Another situation, my friend Josh was out with me and my friend Brian. He hadnt been getting out much since he ended his last relationship, and his confidence had been at a low point for a few months. He just wasnt ready to get out. So a few weeks prior to this night, I drag him out, and we start hanging out a bit more and more over those weeks. With each night out, he gets more and more confident, and starts realizing that he is a good guy, can and will find a great woman, and he just needs to get out, and start making it happen. So that night we're out at a night club. IT was the first stop in what was going to be a very long night, and we just started rolling. The three of us are standing on the stage, and after Josh describes an odd encounter with some schmuch, he asks if I noticed the hot asian girl sititng in the booth on the way up. Yes I say, and at that point he grabs my shoulders, moves me out of his way, with his eyes fixated on something behind me. "Shes looking right over here, I'll see you later" and with that, he walks right up to her, introduces himself, and they get to chatting. Josh got her number, ended up meeting up with her later that night at another spot, and the rest is history. That was 8 years ago, and now they are happily married and have two amazing sons together. Balls of steal!
So in writing this, I am saying that I am not going to feel that "missed opportunity" feeling again. You know the one. Where you are screaming in your head in disappointment because you let another chance go. Girls always seem to be more attracted to a guy with some confidence anyway, so why not. I mean, seriously. The worst thing that can happen if you approach a girl, and introduce yourself, and strike up a conversation, is she blows you off. Big deal. Its not like you're all creepy when you approach her, or psycho or anyhting. It is simply giving yourself a chance, rather than to not even try at all. Have some fricken balls. steel or not!
